Imperial Plea - Permanent Feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Good idea tho. Everyone check selfie stats, and let's see if TRON is all talk tomorrow 
  2. Tron is a Noob. He hits a couple of times then plays dead while I burn through his pots day after day. I don't Know why he's bragging. Good luck against me. This Kingdom is just a reset bomb. And it's owner has a gold raven since you hold your cheaper version so dear.
  3. While u burn thru my pots day after day =all fails , about 1 unload/in 24 hours.

    Burning pots not a bragging point btw if u can't eventually get thru. Your a reset bomb ! Great, but challenge me and write a disclaimer that your gonna reset ?'. You already lost to the Almighty TRON

    Look at our sizes! I can ass u all day to pin zeroed without using pots! TRON is real deal, let it be known. KotFE stamp of farm approval here.
  4. Jeez, what ever happened to this thread :shock:
  5. Lol, I did not say anything to you really. I was saying why we need the PvP plunder increase to be free and not paid. Sorry about the Long long long post. But I guess Vixen and ATA can read that to get an idea why people run from PvP and why we don't need paid spells to promote PvP.
  6. Support! Putting the imperial plea back in marketplace gives the pvp player base the same equality as seals for eb fairies! They are just like seals imo buy them or don't but they should be available at all times.
  7. Chicks dig tron a grave coz he's that ugly he deserves to die
  8. While we're making game suggestions, i have a problem with my spies.

    It seems they're only good for scouting kingdoms, assassinating troops, and stealing gold.

    Why can't spies steal newsfeed logs? Valuable data such as who's stripping allies, who is attacking whom, ability to track who is self pinning through alts.. This data would be very helpful in wars.

    Just a suggestion.
  9. Let's be real, we all know pvp clans only run hte, hit it with attack troops, then dump spies on a target. So why again do we need another item in the market place for pvp plunder?
  10. Real talk..during the holy grail pvp events they also love to put "please dont hit me or ill write your name down and farm you in a couple years" then go on wc and complain they dont get any inc. Lol
  11. it should be half the cost of hte seal because you don't get the items and eb bonus so you get less for the same nobility now...not really equal value unless you make it pay 4x normal attack pay ...
  12. I actually agree here. God forbid the devs would implement it and make it cost more than a seal lol. Along with the pvp gold bonus I would like to see mith generation at its original rate (like it was the first few days of the event).
  13. I support this idea to the fullest. Let's get it going. Ps. KaW will make money off of osw and non eb players as well so it benefits their pockets a bit more as well. Fair deal imo. Stop boosting rewards and adding more and more for eb players and ee fanatics. Let's get some incentive for the players who remember when clan chat didn't exist!!! Woop!!
  14. Add a bonus pb % like attacking gets you a % increase in combat power. Say so many successful attacks get you 1% lvl1 and steal 5% lvl1
  15. I agree and whoever says it's not cool they are a piece of horse S. H. I. T.
  16. ...I hate people and kaw more and more as I see you all wanting yet another incentive to hand over money to the devs for this piece of crap game.
  17. So whales like red star who no one can hit anyway can make more gold? Not sure if I can support this.