Ee wars have always pissed me off. Being in osw 80% of my KaW play time and busy stripping or being stripped, planning timing attacks and calling targets, stalking prey and learning time zones. That's what war on KaW is all about. Never knowing if close one eye too long you'll lose a few trill in 15 minutes. Like that. Players who don't work and can spend 3 hours preparing for a 1 hour war, and then get rewards for it, suck in my opinion. But KaW made it that way. I laugh at all the respect good war posts on people's walls after it. I can tell you I'll never be friendly in an osw as its personal. Paws may not be personal for all members partaking in it but loyalty should make it personal to some degree. This kid is either trolling or doesn't know thing one about wars.
And osw is just noobs faing back and forth stripping a couple allies for a little respect wtf is the point in that? You just suck in EE. Only respect to those who strip trillions in allies on a regular bases no noob can say osw is better. No it's not and no reward should be given to them. For what? Exactly
Look at your allies zrek no one wants them what's the point in stripping them it doesn't hurt you it doesn't help anyone they suck and you aren't losing anything from getting them stripped. Right or no? I think right
I just want to get something straight guys. I said absolutely nothing about osw in the initial thread so wtf are you guys on here for I obviously don't care about your osw you can go have fun in your boring osw for a few more years and not grow and play with each other. This is about EE and getting season 5 started gtfo of this thread. DO YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND? obviously not idiots should just strip you all with my non osw exp just to show you how much of noobs you are you all sound so dumb
Lol, that's the point of owning crap allies. Hurt the enemy more than I hurt myself. Can't tell if your trolling or truly an idiot.
Lol okay you just made my point with what you just said. Really no one cares what you have to say take your crap build and get off of here
OSW is a total clan commitment. Winning is not about rewards. EE is 15 vs 15 for gains from rewards. Similar but different. Both r against real ppl not static eb's. Ppl choose their preference to compete. IMO the purpose of a war game is war.
All these crap builds try talking and it's so annoying just stop really your noobs we can all see your accts I hope you know
I didn't know that the title suggested ee, which is fake war. I thought we were talking about war. Now referred to as osw