Support. I agree to every word you said, the Feather hunt and Dragon egg were the last events that helped even regular sized kingdom. Now its just collect 1000 and then next reward is top 1000 etc, then beat your ass trying to get in there and then eventually pushed out. Obviously game requires the money support the high money spenders give but it should be limited to the topmost or 2nd highest reward, 80% good rewards going to them with money seems rather unfair well i have nothing to complain for myself cause i usually manage to get in top 500 or so but i genuinely feel bad for others who need to be content with lower 3-4 reward tiers
There are worse games that shamelessly gouge their player base - mercilessly. Take a look at game of war. They posted an ad in the superbowl. You know they didnt get the advertising revenue for that by being fair to their players. Theres no hit range and no spending caps. Be grateful for what youve got. I had to quit after 6 months playing game of war because the whales and lack of hit range restrictions made it unplayable. im here to tell you that kaw, comparitively speaking, is very, VERY fair.
But game of war is more fun. You train an actual army and can loot for specific resources and decide whether or not to reinforce a friend. Here is is tapping one button all day for a year to progress