Wouldn't mind it. Don't think it's worth $6 just for a gold increase for an hour tho so I wouldn't buy any. If I wanted extra cash I'd just use nobs
Support. Fair is fair after all, they always say they want to make it playable by people who want to play different ways.. Or they could just double plunder from PvP
I support the idea, but the price may be a little too expensive. Let's take a seal of the damned, it costs 59 nobility points and you get x3 plunder for hte that runs for 6 hours. However, the plea at the same price runs only for an hour. This ofcourse, if changed will bring more people to buy the imperial plea spell. Reduce the price or increase the duration of the spell.
Whack in its conception of a overall browser based click to advance game/ social media play formula that is conducive to dev control and profit.
IT SHOULD BE A PERMANENT PART OF THE GAME! PvP should pay slightly better per hit than the best paying EB and I'll tell you why. There is no bonus payout at the end of a PvP hit like an EB so for those loving PvP and those loving osw there should be just reward. For goodness sake let's not forget there is MUCH HIGHER risk in PvP than in EB. You whack the wrong person and BOOM you could find yourself in ca or stripped. That risk should come w greater reward. It would bring balance to the game. Eb'ers would EB, Pvp'ers could PvP with sufficient reward to keep growing and the thousands in between who like a bit of both could dip in and out of both and benefit every way. Why oh why won't you guys listen to your paying and playing customer base?