NBA's Most Valuable Player

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cub, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. yeah that's legit. he's the best big guy in the game right now. but.... standings.
  2. Most valuable PLAYER. Not team. I dont understand the argument that a MVP has to be on a great team.

    The pels would be as bad as the knicks or philly with out that guy. If you can judge a player by how much he affects his team with and with out him, he is probably the most influential person in the league today.

    He is top 10 in points, blocks, and rebounds, and is probably the best defender in the league. The only reason why he possibly shouldnt win MVP is because of injury.
  3. Ewwww Pelicans... I liked the Wizards better.
  4. The wizards? They used to be called the New Orleans Hornets, and the Jazz.

  5. it'salways been the ccase bbro. you gotta picck one from a winner. otherwise durant and westbrook have to be in the running. gotta win bro.
  6. That's what I meant, but I typed the wrong name cause I was thinking about the other post, but wait what? The Jazz?
  7. Just because its the way it is/has been doesnt mean its the right way.

    Lets use baseball as an example. If some one on the last place team has 60 home runs, 150 RBI and bats .330 but his team loses 75% of their games, doesnt make that player any less "valuable". Its an individual reward for a player, and should be treated that way. It should be based on individual performance. Not on whos team carried what player.
  8. Baseball is different you need more than one person that hitter only hits around 4 times a game in basketball with only 5 people on a team you can carry your team. See that college kid score 30 points in 5 minutes?
  9. how are you valuable when youre not winning?
  10. Go Spurs Go!
  11. Westbrook has 4 triple doubles and 17 double doubles this year. In 44 games. Thunder are 32-26.

    Durant has only played 27 games this year.
  12. Honestly, still Lebron
  13. Russel Westbrook ... Doing very well this year and has a good chance for the MVP award .. 32-26 is their team record if I recall not the best and what like 10 games back of first place?
  14. You win as a team not as an individual.

    And the thunder are in the 8 seed 13.5 games out of first place.

    And yes the jazz were originally in new orleans.
  15. I understand that but he is one of the best on the team
  16. Go Toronto Raptors
  17. The real MVP is that ginger guy Boston had before.. Don't know if he still plays there but the crowd loved him
  18. I dunno who is gonna win MVP, but the Cavs beat GS last night. Thats 18 out of the last 20 for a hot team. James with 42.

    OKC isn't doing horrible for the type of year it is for them. Durant on the bench. Westbrook is really holding his on. If they get a late season streak Westbrook is looking good MVP award or not. He has the stats that's for sure.