Thats Cz you lose almost 1/7th the bar when you att him lol...they should really rethink over that hahaah
Well, quite a few of the top lb have bc-ed already, better start working on the next set of lands and buildings so they don't get bored. It's not our fault that they spend so much damn money on this game that they bc as soon as new tiers are released. They know what they're doing when they drop thousands of dollars on this app. They're doing it to stay ahead and remain #1, #2, etc etc. it's their own fault if they're bored. I can tell you what's really boring though, hitting the same EB day in and day out, promo after promo, event after event, JUST to try and stay remotely competitive.
insanely boring. and then to wake up one day and find that people are suddenly twice your size? how in the hell do you expect us to keep doing this?
Redstar has reached 82.5m cs now. Meanwhile me, a completely F2P player, is a small 22m cs hansel. June 2015 this alt will reach its 2 year achievement, by that time I will be roughly 26-28m cs. This means that in order to be bc, I have to keep playing until I reach my 4 or maybe even 5 year achievement to be bc. Great ******* job devs
Yes, I agree that Val over estimated the damage done to a HFBC Hansel by a 100K spy account, but the damage does seem disproportional relative to the respective stats in favor of the scout bomber. However, lets not forget why the scouts-do-not-hit-into-enemy-pots mechanic was originally put into place. Assassinate actions kill BOTH enemy troops AND spies with one action. There is no equivalent troop heavy build action that kills both troops and spies on an enemy build (thus the rise of the Hansel(PS1) build). If there were, then perhaps the argument that scout actions should faced defensive pots like all other spy actions might have merit (and thus lessen the scout bomb damage done by a small spy power against a larger spy build). Cheers, Kage.
Devs just keep releasing new lands and buildings till Redstar loses all his bfa on it and then you,him some other ally lb can play Ringa Ringa Roses with your own personal game :lol: :lol: Redstar's stats are 82.5m cs hmm by the time he loses all his bfa he'll be around 700-1k m cs no biggie, he'll still look forward to more big upgrades Anyways i cant blame him he's using his own money to enjoy the game. BTW if you do that , ill be happy. Once and for all ill be over this addiction lol But i'm glad you created Primal Wars, atleast one thing where all the favour doesnt go to Lbs and insane money spenders lol
Well whenever I'm in osw or even ee rather, I can't tank 2 guys fail scouting me. I always end up zeroed, maybe it's coz they can start barely winning and taking just enough spies to zero me in 2 bars
If you have a lot of sdt zeroing a target takes 3-4 bars. For example twicc takes 4 bars to sb to zero, but that builds unproductive for ee lol.
This is needed to suck money out of the game due to the insane amount pumped into the game - the devs are trying to fix the gh issue and strips of the quantum of harbs being so easy to achieve. They are loosing to many big spenders and the promos are starting to produce less revenue as we all know we only have to wait a few more months for the next equipment but while it remains fixed stats the devs need to keep releasing it for new players. It's being said many times the devs need to think about the future of the game not be so short sighted.
it wasn't needed and it wasn't helpful. alternative gold sinks had been suggested for months before the release of the abyss.
I just don't get it. There are better ways of making money. As people have mentioned, the games sales are slipping despite the feeling that it's more about money than ever. Devs are doing nothing to revitalize a game that is so old (by gaming standards, considering how little it has changed).
The alternative sinks have there own flaws. Lands are a great way of doing it and making people grow. People cry because they won't be build complete who cares if you don't you want goals - the fact is these new builds make growing easier if you are smart look at return on upgrade v new lands and upgrade
makes growing easier? are you stupid or insane? the new lands take months of grinding premium ebs. when i started this game, build complete was possible in a few months for free. it was the great equalizer. a bc player with no allies still couldn't hit the top 5 lb, but allies could be stripped. now build complete is impossible without paying and these huge stats cannot be stripped.