What Colour is This Dress?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fire3, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    So many people have been debating over the real colour of this dress. Some, including myself see blue and black while the majority see white and gold. What colour do you see?
  2. Put it on and strut around.. We'll tell ya
  3. There is a thread already about this /lock
  4. so what colour is it now?
  5. its gold and white. its always been gold and white. if you see another color, you are either trolling or you have a tumor.
  6. i'm sorry. i mean no disrespect to those who actually have a tumor. :(
  7. Its ok, wordmaster [sic]. My tumor forgives u
  8. It's Jewish, mos def. 
  9. different pic proves nothing. one picture is profesionally done. the weird one was done with a bad camera. the ACTUAL color of the dress has nothing to do with this. the color of the dress in the original picture, does.

    in the original picture, the dress is blue and a sort of dark tan/orange. empirically.
  10. It looks grey and grey to me  damn colourblindness
  11. This means nothing to me.
  12. What exactly does that prove in your point?
  13. It's periwinkle and black.
  14. I would tap dat Fo sho color
  15. Is this the blue dress that Monica Lewinsky got a white stain on it and turned it into gold?