T7L3 Now Available!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. OSW pays more than HtE..good idea
    Solves one problem pinning on eb while in war n then claim its for strip funds that r not used or look forward to strip posts from OSW clans very soon.
    Devs oughta love that 
  2. The stats and price are about right I'm me opinion. We will have to pay to grow.

    Looking at the in app purchased on game console games the price is also a joke
  3. He deserves to be farmed. He has over 200 chests each of silver and gold. This is why he wants the limit to be lifted. So we all should be on tr1 crux spell watch then we all pin him for duration of spells
  4. 500b is a farce what hope it there for new players to bc without spending £1000s? It's no wonder this game is dying on its arse. No chance of getting new players to replace ones who quit.
  5. I would like too see a new sack event. Hint hint wink wink
  6. 1. You can hit every eb but the new one
    2. You can EE
    3. You can OSW
    All this you can do without being anywhere near BC.

    I wasnt aware there was a way you "should" play the game? And who says you have to be build complete to properly enjoy the game?
  8. Stupid quote thing never works properly :/
  9. exactly

    Why do ppl harp on BC?
    Then what?
    Quit or play n progress n enjoy the game as u see fit.
  10. build complete used to be the great equalizer. sure, the top lb had tons of bfa.

    but it could be stripped away.
  11. So.... Anyone know max spy stats ATM? I'm assuming the new unstrippable build is like 9/9/0/23 or something ridiculous now?
  12. I'm guessing 29.2/29.2 for hansels.
  13. And possible ssd?

  14. It was at this moment I knew nearly all attack builds and hybrid tanks would be useless in war against hansels
  15. Sweet

    TRONwill Own️

  16. The only thing you own is that ky jelly and self applicator
  17. oh my I'm famous :D
  18. I just find it extremely demoralizing that one set of lands and buildings can make a player double my size. Plus with the price tag? Damn. Just to BC (again) is going to cost me roughly 20t more than I've made in the entire 4.5 years I've been KaWing.

    Way to go.. This was soooo necessary. I'm sure the 50-100 people or so that can benefit from this thank you.
  19. This is getting out of control. Who needs bfa anymore. Useless....
  20. Well done devs, you even managed to get some mods against this move!
