idk. people with fairly high attack stats are talking about failing. i'm a bit concerned how hybrids will manage it. i don't think hansels will have much hope of attacking reliably.
I can't even assas on my main which is a hybrid tank. At 18m attack full mith in scratching 54 damage. My spy attack is only 2m and nearly every hit was a fail. Good luck to any hansels who attempt it lol
The 1st hit pay is pretty good. As an atk build with both aff equips enchanted. I still gotta use full pots and full mith 2 hit this eb. We just now made it 2 the 2nd bar but still in phase 1. My atk damage is about 50-90. I switch around equips and same thing. I have 2 skim the eb so I dont get half bar of fails. Now with my spies. Nothing helps these noob spies at all. Now we do have LCBC hansels that do about 50-55 damage and alot of them still have fails. So far nobody has completed the eb yet. I feel sorry 4 the smaller clans they wont be able 2 do this eb at the rate this is going... my advice about this eb... dont hit it until devs get it fixed right.
From a rough calculation it takes about 500m att strength to hit without fail. That is bfe + bfa + pots + CURRENT att troops. Full pots gives 205m att. So if you're a Hansel with 1m cs att, from full with full pots you'll need about 250m combined bfe + bfa (att) to hit without fail I did not include clan bonus in that calc.
with a 9% br I make 215m 1st hit... compare 2 aff 1st with 9% br is 209m... I hope the payout at end of eb will cover the cost of mith and pots used but I doubt it :lol:
"Til the devs get it fixed right"... Whats wrong with it? It's the top tier eb.. Its supposed to be hard. It'll combat all the build drops that think they can go back and get scroll equip at 2mcs. It fixes the playing field for the hansels overrunning the game, because spies arent worth much in it. People have complained about the lack of attack builds. Perhaps if the new pots were introduced, it would increase the amount of successful attacks. You know.. The pots that were taken away... Either way, there are plenty of leaderboard clans that wont care about it anyways as it isnt HTE.
Sounds like the dragon is a hansel killer! Thank you for your feedback! In the past, new EBs following updates warranted many clanmates to have better stats before attempting new EBs. This sounds like a similar instance mate. But even then this EB sounds as though only a certain few clans will be able to attempt it. Like any EB, it all comes down to strength, activity and xtal usage. I'm curious to see first clan who completes it! And yes, I love challenges! I'm glad devs made an EB that is extremely difficult again! Literally Last time this transpired was with fod release and NQ. Nobody knew about the trick for items phase. It caused many clans to fail tragically. Hopefully this EB only demands raw power.
It’s official…. 6 hours since the release and no clan has yet finished this truly monstrous epic battle. A sacrifice in flesh indeed. Everyone remember your equation to determine crystal usage…. (# of total actions – (eb time in hours * 60)+60)/60 = ~# of crystals used. (This assumes full troop & spy unloads, so crystaling to get past a troop or spy only bar will be understated). :lol:
This is a tough eb - really incredibly tough - I have 4.9m in static spy attk offense and I was failing on 30% of my assn attempts. And when I got through the damage was insignificant. Im better off tryin to steal inactives for 11m per steal. I think to do any significant damage, U would need at least to have over 10m spy attk and skim it - if you try to unload U will eventually fail - as an attk build with good solid bfa and bfe - I started noticing that I start to burn more troops at 20% and needed to use top 4 pots - those without solid bfa and bfe, I'll assume you will start struggling at 40-50%. - it appears that top lb clans will need the whole alotted time to finish this eb. I doubt anyone outside top 20 will b able to finish this eb in 12 hours. It is noted that wudi which is ranked 11th forfeited this eb because it was too tough. Looking at this eb...I ask "is it worth it?" I don't know - I think it will depend on payout. But at this point in time (I haven't finished eb yet) - it seems that this eb is not worth it. It is sad that devs created an eb for elite clans and that most kawers cannot participate in.
Marginally better pay than AFF. I'm doing between 70-85 damage per hit with fails at about 35% strength. Spies are non-existant to mention, doing 4 damage no pots inbetween fails and doing 15 with full pots. Definitely a beast of an eb and anything less than a full clan of big active players will result in a fail.