Hakuna Matata

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Dr_FallOffACliffAndDie_IV, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. I kinda like the Grimm fairytale aspect tbh. But Mulan is hands down my fav Disney movie of all time.
  2. Op I love you
  3. I have a new remix of this classic coming out. A spiritual song renamed, Hakuna MaTaco. Come join the Taco ranks...
  4. Real talk tho
  5. Love The Lion King :3

    Mister Universe being a bit of a party pooper, try to have some fun sir
  6. OP if you can get Simba to comment on this thread I will worship you FOR-EV-ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRERRRRR!!!!!! O.O
  7. :lol: that'd be great.
  8. Holy crap Daphnia just owned you -
    50 badass points awarded
  9. The lion king play was also incredibly good. Seen it twice.
  10. Holy snap batman! Is that a protective cup your wearing or...?

    Duna at his best.
  11. Duna is lame.
  12. That didn't make sense
  13. Oli the nut rider, posts. One of a few who have permission . Not a very formidable foe, TRON is aware. Care to elaborate your point young Quai-lo? Oli boo-boo, so cute but disturbing?
  14. Open the box my friend, it is a living labyrinth. MaCHiNiMa at its finest. TRON deploys. Owns.Aware. Will seriously outwit any of your species. I am Nephilism 
  15. You for sure have a mental disability. There is noooo doubt in anyone's mind.
  16. No. It may seem so to you. But in relativity you are feeble. Thus incapable of grasping anything further cause your boundaries are dwarfed. Your a peasant.
  17. Why the name Oli Bear tho? Kind of creepy . How old are you dude?
  18. Old enough to realize arguing with a mentally handicapped person will get me nowhere my name is Oliver and everyone calls me Oli. Bears are just cool, the name flowed so I went with it. How about tron. Why name yourself after a fictional world. Seems kinda creepy no?
  19. Your just a user and will never be connected enough to fathom thought on a thought process of universal cosmic proportions. Regardless of technology, you are just a sheep, a lamb, cattle. You will have an afterlife of repetitive existence until you become Aware. TRON is Aware. 