Hi everyone, I'm in the process of a mini-study (I guess you could call it) of certain aspects of kaw and have a question which I would like to get some consensus from you guys on. The question is 'If you had the opportunity to change one thing about KaW, what would it be?' You can be as honest as you like (assuming you don't violate the tou in your post) and it can be absolutely anything that you would like to see change. Participation is greatly appreciated, and happy KaWing! ️
Removal of Epic Battles. That is not a whimsical statement as is tossed around by many players - that's from my experience playing both with and without. Epic Battles have brought monotony to the game, and I feel the game offered more without them. Secondarily, I think strip back anything after T4 Highlands. That felt like a good balance of keeping BC realistic, and keeping people's stats similar enough to require good strategy.
That's interesting. A lot of work would have to be done as to make another system to get gold. Buildings are starting to get very expensive lol
Someone had put forth an idea earlier where pvp events would be held every weekend. A lot of us are busy through the week and have free time Friday to Sunday. So I'd very much enjoy pvp events every weekend. Such events can also drop some item that can be used to buy equipment
Terrible idea. Epic Battles brought monotony to the game? The only thing more monotonous than Epic Battles were plunder wars. Epic Battles are waaaaayyy better.
Id like an open line of communication between players and devs. The players have endless amount of input they would like to voice their opinion on, but no word from devs ever. That and a beta testing system to try out new things and prevent bugs. Also change the stupid photos on the appstore that is trying to attract 9 year old kids with their moms credit card linked to their devices. And maybe a little advertising or a better web presence to bring in new blood. I know thats more than one thing. Sue me.
Plunder wars already got arguably nerfed. I thought that was knowledge enough not to revert back. So, point stands.
Yes. But new equipment exclusively available to the pvp event sign ups. There's nothing like receiving new equipment and with a pvp event to go hand in hand it certainly becomes interesting and gives the players a reason to play on.
@Dat, I don't think EBs are the issue, pvp payout needs to be increased and premium Ebs like hte ruined the system paying way too much.