Diamondiferous and Dragon-Scale Armor

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kinfeezi, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. The Diamondiferous weapon says it is "known to penetrate Dragon Scale" in its description. Could you guys make it a buff weapon against the AFF armor and be true to what y'all said it does? It's not like this weapon has anything special going for it ATM lol.
  2. Dude, as much as this is cool.

    Why are you still a SH?
  3. Because I'm still prepping for my next step bruh
  4. "This isn't even my final form!"
  5. "Just wait till I evolve"
  6. I am just here to say hi to kin
  7. Waiting for the pokepeople
  8. What are the guys with pokemon called?
  9. Don't know

    Gotta catch em all!
  11. Might make Diamondiferous worth using again
  12. was it ever worth using? •–•"
  13. When I was GH
  14. 1. Master balls are for people that are scared in general #nothuglifewithmasterballs

    2. Pretty sure they're called a Pokemon trainer, not master

    Edit: removed a "naughty" word
  15. I am here, what are your two other wishes?
  16. For you to support a good football club and give me 6969696960696 mith so I can get maxed out set
  17. Chelsea is a good football club :lol: actually, nowadays, they are one of the best. History wise, not so much.
  18. Wait

    So this means abyssal blade gets a bonus against EVERYTHING?
  19. Why you be hatin, Karma?