Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for being bad at kaw
  2. Banned for post count farming. All of you.
  3. Banned for banning banning banners who ban banning banners.
  4. banned for banning
  5. Banned for inadequately banning the player above you in such a way that the ban that you issued was completely and utterly irrelevant.
  6. banned 4 being a falling blade
  7. banned for banning someone who banned me
  8. Banned bc I can
  9. Ban because troll is not here
  10. BAnned because he's here in the heart
  11. Ban cause it is the game
  12. Exiled due to spam.
  13. banned because of not saying baned
  14. Banned for saying banned twice
  15. Banned for being hypocritical
  16. Banned for saying banned twice
  17. Banned for being a cracker
  18. Banned for using that term

  19. Banned for missing your period.
  20. Banned for being a grammar Nazi