Do You Want To Be Happy?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Malestone7469, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Success Does Not Lead to Happiness, it's the other way around:
    More Happiness Creates More Success!

    Do you want to be happy?

    The Right Philosophy
    -> The Right Attitude
    -> The Right Action

    Here are 5 Things you must do everyday;

    1. Each morning write down 3 things you're grateful for:

    Not the same 3 every day; find 3 newer things to write about. That trains your brain to search your circumstances and hunt for the positive.

    2. Journal 2-minutes a day about one positive experience you've had over the past twenty-four hours.

    Write down every detail you can remember; this causes your brain to literally reexperience the experience, which doubles its positive impact.

    3. Meditate daily.

    Nothing fancy; just stop all activity, relax, and watch your breath go in and out for two minutes. This trains your brain to focus where you want to do, and not get distracted by negativity in your environment.

    4. Do a random act of kindness over the course of each day.

    To make this simple, *Shawn often recommends a specific act of kindness; at the start of each day, take two minutes to write an email to someone you know praising them or thanking them for something they did.

    5. Exercise for fifteen minutes daily.

    Simple cardio, even a brisk walk, has a powerful antidepressant impact, in many cases stronger (and more long lasting) then an actual antidepressant!

    *Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, is a happiness researcher.

    According to Shawn, if you do anyone of these faithfully for just three weeks, 21 days in a row, it will strive to become a habit -- a happy habit. You will have for the truly begun to rewire your brain to see the world in the differently, and as a result, to be happier on an everyday basis.

    An interesting thing is that you don't have to do all five at once -- in fact, Shawn actually recommends that you don't even try to do that, but instead start with just one and keep repeating until it becomes a habit, then add another, and so on.

    The 5 Steps to Happiness, taken from P24/33, Chp.7, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen
  2. Thank you for this, I needed to read a routine like that. Much appreciated OP.
  3. Sharing Your Gratitudes

    One of the Keys to happiness is sharing your Gratitudes.

    Tweet your three Gratitudes and include #SlightEdge or post them on Facebook wall
  4. You are most welcome :)

  6. Pretty sure putting that link is against some rule but that could be me...
  7. Did you get this from tai Lopez? That man is selling lies
  8. Is that the guy I have to see with a rented Lamborghini on YouTube ads?
  9. And about how he is happy about his book collection?
  10. I looked into that, didn't appear to be selling anything all I could find is a two hour video, didn't watch it though lol
  11. Another important one is never let anyone trying to make you feel bad yourself make you feel bad about yourself.
  12. To be happy, kill everyone who makes you unhappy.
  13. Not KaW related = against ToU. I suggest you remove the link ;)

  14.  THIS! Couldn't have said it better myself. 