Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. I hear by nominate my self for this order of knightly awesomeness

    For my help with the younger population of kaw and my constant humor in wc and in threads trying to lighten peoples day
  2. Ill keep it simple support to syl for VK she puts more effort into her clan for events wars and helping with build than any other person I have met in 5 years. Also support for Terra for village idiot. 
  3. xXxRPL_XxAcidsniperzxX_RPLxXx
    He helped me learn war terms and was the one who got me back into this game after i quit he is a merc that helps out the community when they need help and also posts in forums daily not only did he help me bought he helped a couple of my other friends learn the basics of ee that is why acid deserves valiant knight
  4. SuperCore is silently shedding a tear somewhere because of this post

    Support for MC the biggest kiss ass
  5. Why is willy a vk? All he does is spam forums with useless threads that dont help anyone, or propose any action or discussion? He just tries to be funny.
  6. He tries, and succeeds. He brings positivity to the community. It's ass' like you that make forums a negative place. Stop criticizing others, and go do something good for the community.
  7. Making threads about when he is changing his underwear, and fake sales are really helping the community.
  8. He is bringing a positive attitude to forums, and some humor along side it. I'm sorry you fail to see what's funny to 90% or the people reading.
  9. Being a valiant knight is to be a model player. This is a game, that means entertainment is as much help as guides, teaching and so on.

    That's why he is a VK. He is a very good entertainer.
  10. Willy is the best player in KAW HISTORY!

    (he did not threaten me to post this ahhaha Hhahah *cries*)
  11. It's okay Erok! I'm here for you 
  12. Thank you ️️️
  13. Its not for the color Vlad , Its an honour to be a Valiant Knight and the ones who are chosen are chosen on based on their contribution to the Kaw Community. I believe Syl deserves that

  14. PUNCH FOR VK!!!!
  15. I would be a better choice.
  16. I nominate Sylver in Dotb. One of the hardest working war commanders in KaW.
  17. I was lucky enough to receive this honor for just being myself.

    We have had a few VK's get the nod for their WC skills, and for being helpful, and Swabia for doing what he's done...which is pretty much everything from fighting, to teaching others how.

    How about a new VK based on OSW leadership, tracking ability, commanding an alliance?

    Take the leaders of great OSW families and look at that work. I can think of a few deserving players that are incredible when it comes to finding/planting moles - which in turn leads to good strips.

    Some that know how mental warfare works in KAW...and use that to deflate oppositions morale, inflating their own people.

    All of these traits make effective leaders in this game.

    I can think of quite a few..and I will name the ones on the top of my head:

    Player (iplayer)
    Nightmare Machine
    Val (the one who likes trance music, not War Valor)

    I'm forgetting so many. And these players get a bias nomination from me, because I've warred beside them or against them.

    But, honestly, the word "knight" insists you are a warrior. ATA should appoint more players who are in tune with the REAL wars in this game..the unsanctioned, no-rules, wake-up-naked-and-email-ATA-you've-been-cheated version of war....


    That is the base of KAW. The foundation. And those who live to OSW should be recognized for it.
  18. Neeva!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shut up n support moron 
  19. She is an ok wc
  20. Well said, Willy