Silly Republicans

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by The-Raj, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Ah, but if you keep doing it, it's because you're butt hurt and have to have the last word.

    See how that works?

  3. Oh no! Butthurt wins! What to do?!? I do get the last word if I keep doing this. And if I stop then I don't get to keep telling you how butthurt and ignorantly petty you sound.
    Allow me to settle the argument. 97% of the climatologists that were surveyed and interviewed agreed that humanity has some impact on global warming. You can sleep all snugly and warm in your cocoon of self righteous happiness! Gentry is a big buffoon and quit petty bickering over this. What a Noob. Glad you showed him! Good job. Pat on the head and a biscuit treat for you!

    Yay for me. Does that mean the priest gets to keep touching?!?
  4. We should be spending resources promoting solar energy. Also in replacing coal burning power plants with natural gas.
  5. Thanks for revisiting this thread. As I stated, I simply dispute that 97% of any group can or will agree on any one thing. Mathematically the odds are challenging and downright ridiculous the larger the group. Theories are nice but math and odds are laws as any science will tell you. I did point out articles that give basis and refute each other simply to prove the point I made earlier in this thread. That anyone can post information to refute what their personal or their groups agenda is. It comes down to reading and researching it all and forming your own opinions based on the actual data. Not what they tell you to think. I've posted article links that give some clear judgments one way then another that seemed like it gave a little of both. I found all of the links and articles interesting which is why I posted them. It's not a "you're wrong and I'm right". I really could care less.

    As to Black Dragon, The only embarrassing thing was how aggressively self righteous ridiculous You took this into that. Even after trying to follow him/her to continue this in private and have a real discussion, they choose to fill the forums so they can have spectators to his/her "look at me, I'm right" over and over. I commend your attempts to educate people (as I said in this thread) but there is more than your point, and you will find its never as simple as you want it to be. But continue your crusade. All you will find is people shut down and ignoring you (or calling you butthurt over and over). Until you respect others opinions as much as you want your OPINION respected.

    And I suspect Priests butthurt and diva comments are because you are a "last word", "I'm right" full tilt diva. And I called that in the other thread. Don't be upset I was right on that. I can provide the links to that thread of you want links to "research" 
  6. 97% sounds like a vote result in Soviet Russia. I swear to you 97% of everyone agrees to this!

    They do that by having heads of scientific organizations give the opinion for all their members. Tyranny of the minority claiming to be the majority. There is a big problem with suppression of science within the climate debate.
  7. Quit your bickering. We have 7 billion plus people living on a planet that ideally could sustain a maximum of 600 million at today's level of technology without any negative results to the planets climate of wildlife.

    Now who of you is going to choose the 6.4 billion plus to die, and why should you be allowed to live more than anyone else?

    Arguing here is going to achieve what exactly?
  8. Not only that we are on a serious decline in six major categories of pollution. We have been since 1980, when the anti-pollution initiatives went full swing.

    You can find that data through NASA.
  9. This is ridiculous.
  10. Nope go and look it up. A survey was conducted and those were the findings.
    Humans have massively overpopulated beyond a natural level.
    Don't like it. Well tough, I didn't do the figures.
    But that's the way it is.
  11. Darwin should decide

    The beard knows..
  12. Overpopulation is a very real and serious threat as well. And likely contributes to the massive overuse of our natural fuels. The math of it is staggering.

    Maybe the death penalty should be used more  jk. Wrong thread for that.
  13. If you want to be scared. Imagine these two facts.
    There are more people alive today than have ever died.
    By the end of this century estimates put the world population at approx 15 billion.

    Now imagine this. Just 4-5 hundred years ago one would of seen herds of millions of bison roaming free.
    Animal diversity was huge.
    Now mankind has reduced those herds to mere hundreds and thousands of species are endangered.
    To highlight how ridiculous this situation is.
    In the wild there are under 500 tigers.
    In the USA alone. 10,000 are registered as pets.
    If that is not an example of human effect on our environment and the life on earth I don't know what is.
  14. If the beard knows then duck commander should be smartest family on earth  your logic is flawed my friend️
  15. The natural resources that will run out eventually. Sooner rather, than later on the grand level. The squeeze is on for the remaining wealth. Especially...

    Oil. We all know it won't last forever. When it's gone, we get no more emissions from oil usage. I can't see the worlds climate collapsing into failure for humans before that happens. Not at currents rates with no recognizable heating occurring on the global level. I'm not sure how the deep water heat transfer studies are going, but I imagine it's insignificant do to the lack of information. A possible explanation for the lack of warming.

    Regardless pollution is a problem, and we shouldn't take it lightly. The healthier the planet is the healthier we will be. Common sense really. Kind of like the Mayor of Beijing Wang Anshun would say, "unliveable". It's hard for someone who doesn't live in such pollution to relate.

    We could just ask the people living around the Gulf of Mexico area. They still are dealing with oil from the BP oil spill. It's still washing up. There are still issues with the technology they tried to use to clean it up. There are many health issue happening to the volunteers who helped clean it up.

    But, if you are one of the people living in a low pollution area it's a little harder to relate. Especially when you can't see and feel what is happening to you.

    As far as over population. If the entire state of Texas was a city. You could fit the world population in the area of Texas. Leaving the rest of the planet to be used in whatever fashion that may be needed.
  16. I'm not upset. I'm amused by your hypocrisy. Read your research, then look in the mirror.

  17. Well that's definitely butthurt 
    Poor BlackDivaDragon. Ignore the rest and try to use the "I'm rubber and you're glue" defense with bigger words so it doesn't sound so childish. 
  18. Mr. Don, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  19. Support. At this point it's just sad. Once more I'm sure you'll need to get the last word, so I'll "allow it" again so we can stop pestering forums with your "hypocrisy". 
    Maybe you can throw in a Wikipedia link to the overpopulation discussion while you're at it too.
  20. All this is not bad for the world