Dev Confirmed New Pots

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Inglorious_Saberwulf, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. The devs said the pots they released months ago would eventually be back after they reevaluated things with them when devs pulled them out all that time ago. This isn't news :|

  2. I agree with what you said but how are smalls gonna hit drop builds without the attack pots??
  3. New pots were stupid then and would be stupid now unless they are going to double what we make from pvp.
    It does nothing to help and only the larger builds will gain advantage due to having the most gold available to bank heavily In pots.
    Tighten the damn hit ranges. Simple as that.
    And we wouldn't be in this mess if they hadn't widened the gap releasing new lands and buildings.
  4. Hit ranges should be based on max available stats for unlocked land and BFA BFE combined. Solves the drop build issue.
  5. Yup tightening hit ranges has to come in.
  6. Smalls don't hit drop builds. They cant, and never will be able to, even with new pots that cost more than they make on one eb. T1-T3 eb.

    New pots are meant for those with lands open to support them. Smalls wouldnt be able to buy any new pots because of land restrictions.

    Its towers or nothing for new accounts.
  7. Tighten the hit ranges in a way to accommodate worthless drop builds as suggested and they would be unable to hit smalls regardless and no issue.
  8. Are we thinking 15 HL or 4 HF or 15 HF or what to unlock new pots?
  9. The drop builds are in the GH range and under. Hit restrictions wont do anything for the newbies in that hit range. Even with 3x up/down, a LL GH drop build can hit up to 3-4mcs. Big target range for newbies that arent paying for seals.
  10. No new pots. Maybe stronger spells. But no new pots.
  11. Personally i'd prefer big mith spells to pots. Pots just encourage ppl to stay small and hit higher paying eb than they should. Also encourages farming smalls with drop builds. At least if you make it a mith spell it takes more effort
  12. Pots r atm same for all ppl n more would only increase gold needed to pot up. Nothing is gained except PS/PS1 save even more gold not buying ADP. War will cost more. War or BL is about hitting ppl in your range n not 2-3x bigger. BFA/BFE takes care of that. KaW is about growing n always should be #1 goal. Lots of gold is to be made on eb's n events. With new lands out that will take a lot of gold out of the market for quite awhile.

    Next up IMO is improving a few War aspects for PvP/EE ppl.
    - Start with a FAIR Top Tier IWar match up.
    - Issue a PvP EE ASW Event calendar.
    - Re/Re Round with Primal War with capped BFA n BFE on renamed Siege War
    - add an IWar for SGT TZ at least a Trial
    - increase mith rewards n release old EQ

    Better warring experience with better incentives will encourage more ppl to build n war. All other stuff eg EB's n promos will be biz as usual
  13. Abolish PvP pots altogether, they serve no purpose but having to drain money in order to do something not very profitable since everyone has access to them.
  14. Depends on why n how n who ppl PvP.
    Pots/Spells r an aspect of Medieval times
  15. Pots and mith spells only serve as deterrent to people who want to start ee wars.
  16. Why not just tighten hit range?
  17. KaW is about war and always should be #1 goal. Period. Growing is just a tool to aid war. Or at least this is how it should be...

    Why would anyone constantly grow with no intention of warring? Just to get bigger stats?? Seems kinda pointless to me.
  18. Lol remember those new pots a while back that were super op
  19. Kaw would be a better place with no pots. More incentive to pvp. I've always said this. Whether it's ee/osw system wars when they were going. Lol
    Although the hit restrictions need adjusting. I'm in a osw atm. And getting hit by lb people. Within the top 100 overall. How can I hope to hit that back? I'm almost unranked.  not complaining in the slightest, such is osw, bring it on you wussies (u know who you are). Just that it needs tightened in the interest of competitiveness. 
  20. Support. Pots are a nuisance and hit ranges need to be adjusted Massively.