Growing Tip.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Excuse me? I ain't gay.

    And I'm already taken by jac.
  2. Hehe my post subconsciously affected his post... "I ain't gay".
  3. I like how you spelt her name even with the little accent on top of the e.
  4. I didn't even have to my phone automatically put it to Beyoncé! I must type Beyoncé a lot
  5. De La Café Touché
  6. Y can't I find my cf :(
  7. This thread is akward now. Gay/cf/beyonce...I knew val was a weirdo but this is too much.
  8. Thanks for the tips
  9. Please don't bump this thread, as it is mostly irrelevant now. There is a new and better guide here.

  10. Yea fanks terra fo copying me
  11. But it doesn't have T6 lvl 5 or t7 on it. So get out
  12. Not a bad thread
  13. Sticky this please
  14. Yeah.....

    Let's all take tips from the chronic nobber VAL.

  15. With the awesomeness which is t7 lvl3, the efficiency might have just been adjusted, once again...
  16. Copying? Yo thread is poo
  17. I like ice cream

  18. Well yours makez no sense. Nobody cares bout all tha numbers. Get to tha point