Growing Tip.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Wow! What a suck up.

    Now, we all no val has no life and is a nerd. So his calculations and advice come as no surprise for me.
  2. I bet salty was real disappointed when he opened the thread. He's tried all the pills possible to increase his length... He thought this could be the answer
  3. It's all in the girth brah
  4. Crap I messed up too lol
  5. Growing tip.

    Have real deep pockets. GG kaw. Got real greedy after the HTE/ROTWB "Promo"
  6. Vals the reason i have trust issues
  7. This guy stole my line.
  8. 
  9. IMO Val and DL are the greatest forumers oh all time.
  10. Who and who?
  11. #TERRA4VK

    Edit: #Terra4VK
    Caps >.<
  12. #TERRAgotShrektByCellaDespiteTheDefenderTooWeakMechanicCuzItWasJustThatBadOfARekage
  13. How dare you pull that card.
  14. Plz don't find my cf thread *cries*
  15. Don't worreh.

    We've all CFed to Beyonce and jay Z once in our lives.
  16. Pulling up the search option NOW.
  17. Who here thinks Val and TERRA would make a good couple?
  18. I ain't gay, so why would I CF to Jay Z?
  19. SRRY dude I'm with Beyoncé