I apologize for the short post, but the title says it all, really. I believe that trackers/war chiefs should receive some sort of bonus at the end of wars due to the additional effort and co-ordination that they must commit in comparison to regular players. I doubt it'll ever actually happen, but thought it'd be an idea worth discussing. The bonus doesn't have to be gigantic, but even an additional 10-20 mith would be awesome.
Support, but ad the wc and tracker spells suggested in the past so that drops can target these individuals.
Devs can counter this by only making one person wc/tracker per war team. He can pass it on if he chooses.
13-14 ppl cannot prove they earned it lol Easy enough to delegate who was Wc n Tr Either by owner or a spell is cast
Realy i find a good tracker way more important than wc. I do mostly 15 man inde wars and i find it funny usally 15 people stand around askimg whos wc , tell me what to do. Its kinda sad. If you have half a brain you should understand how to war your own build. And instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do , browse the other teams cr and see for yourself whos easy plunder , whos gona be a problem , ect. 15 people should beable to formulate a plan of attack and doing so all will gain experiance and get better.
I believe trackers are volunteers in a way.If any extra rewards are invloved, they should be debated with the clan where they are warring because from a gaming point of view, kaw shouldn't mind who is tracking or not. Just like admins, the role is somehow achieved after demonstrating a good performance
Have war sign ups include a check for people saying they are available for wc or tracker, then form clans around these positions. If people lie, the clan will be at a disadvantage, sure, but how's that any different than getting a random group anyway...this way you'd at least have someone to blame and farm afterwards!
exactly, instead of learning or going over cr too many are looking for someone to be wc so they can blame them later. Most times who wins or loses is based off wich side has the most inactives or better tracker. i would increase the penalties for inactives and stop worrying who get to be the silly wc.
Trackers use systems for helping them, half of them don't do anything really. All wc is, is matching players to other players, and calling out xtral times. Anyone can do it if they put the effort in and had basic understanding of the game. So I say no, everyone puts something into war so they all should get the same when they win.