This is an idea iv been thinking of and I thought it would add to things to do or even just could be a promo. So the idea is if your clan can't get the set EB done in time then you're eliminated from the event. So if your clan opts in then the first tier eb starts and all clans to fail the EB in the set time is eliminated from the event. Then the next EB teir starts after the first tier is done and the time limit gets lower. This goes on until all the ebs are completed and depending where on the lb your clan made it on this event depends on what you may get. Ik this isn't very though out but it could add something to do. It would be like war but with ebs lol.
Ok let's look at this idea... So the event starts with every clan trying to do an EB in a certain time? Would it have to be a specially made eb for the event? Then would the next event be the same event but shorter time frame? Also for one clan to finally win I can imagine that in the end only one of the lb clans would eventually win due to Xtal use and the fact that such big players populate those clans. If you start to restrict Xtal use then ppl would complain. I don't think that it would be very fair so no support I'm afraid. Sorry bud