pvp vs pve page stats

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -BCK-_Donald_Trump_-BCK-, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. I have an idea, it would be a real simple update for the developers to. I think there should be a separation in battles won and lost from player vs player, and player versus epic.

    I feel that it would encourage pvp. Maybe it's just me but I would like to show my stripes.

    Simple support or no support please.
  2. Support
  3. Devs will never make thi happen
  4. Support
  5. Support

    I doubt devs could differentiate past actions though, so we would all need to start again.
  6. Valid point... altho there is a complete log of every action made in pve. Even after you leave the clan. So maybe a algorithm that can pull those and subtract from the existing total?