Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by 9D6E6V6I9L, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Here you will find tribute and resting place of the once great osw clans labelled with the ZAFT name....

    There once was a great leader called Laoda who came to KAW and forged a empire called ZAFT. This empire quickly became feared and over time became the largest family clan and were feared due to the tenacity to protect there members and just simply destroy anyone they fancied for the sheer hell of it.

    This group of clans have been involved in most of the large osw in recent years dating back to the famous AAH war and numerous wars with Aflockofgirls. ZAFT quite simply were never good at osw they just had the numbers and the funds to not care as they possessed the majority of the leaderboard and quite simply could not be beaten.

    ZAFT had many loyal leaderboard willing to risk it all and fight till the end.. Donno, Liebling, Arabian, Redstar, Cella, Laoda, Silph to name just a few and so many people wanted to join Zaft for many different reasons so what happened??? How did they fall from grace????

    Quite simply the reason 1SEXYLADY and her entrusted leader Habringer of trash with his big mouth.

    Since taking over from Laoda 1sexylady has lost the trust of the majority of ZAFT and lost the support of some major osw players/clans that could be counted on and trusted not to jump ship (RST,ECLIPSE,ECHELON) and what did she replace with sorta/stf/ghost YEAH GREAT WORK THERE. One good move was bringing in fury to the family, OH WAIT THEY DIDNT EVEN HONOUR THE ZAFT NAME.. maybe not so good after all. Back to Harb and his antics could this osw have been prevented? Probably not but to allow a leader to time after time run his Billy big lb balls mouth and cause upset amongst the ranks WITHIN ZAFT let alone with others with his attitude and add that to claims like the famous ss of ZEUS claiming they own the leader board and they get what they want (guess he not so cocky now) is there any reason the osw started and so many loyal ZAFT members up and left?

    In the past despite (sometimes) having numbers/(always) funds on side during osw ZAFT had to ask for help in the APOC osw's from allies FAITH (once a great family)... WDGAF.... So where are these allies since 1sexylady took over? that's right wdgaf bailed as they don't support Harb and his big mouth (could not see that coming at all lol) and the other family listed on ZAFT clan page YAFI, well ZAFT you asked for it and you got it and they don't give a **** they fighting 1 clan that is already mostly stripped and leaving you to fight the war you caused.


  2. Why not post this with your main? Anyone in apocalypse would have surely used there main, go away statless noob.
  3. Sounds more like a disgruntled zaft to me, fairly sure the majority of apoc talk with their mains, you can see them all over the other thread.
  4. Whenever i read threads like this, its invariably posted by a statless noob. Thanks for wasting my time
  5. His main is probably the kotfe owner... guy is way to big to have a statless ally
  6. Zaft has always been trash. You lived by the sword now they die by the sword. I spit on your grave.
  7. ^^^^^ somebody just ran a full spy bar on you... better find out who .

    Ps 6 sdp don't stop much

  8. And a troop bar.. there's your link
  9. WDGAF has there own osw to deal with against 34 clans (you should have made this R.I.P thread for them), In my opinion yafi is getting crushed by NA, but due to the ammount of players yafi has its hard to see the damage.
  10. Zaft still exists?ī’īŽ
  11. Why did the trio (silph,red,cella) leave??and go to fire emblem??
  12. Statless alts are statless
  13. I'll tell you why there is a statless alt talking, and why there are so many of them are talking about ZAFT...

    They smell blood.

    Its like sharks swarming in a feed zone...except they aren't sharks. They're like those little fish that hang out with the sharks eating their scraps. Sure, ZAFT took a hit...LB players are moving away, and nobody has anything but speculation and the obvious shifting of membership.

    The reason they aren't posting with a main, is because ZAFT still has the ability to strip someone clean, and most know that.

    You'll hear more talk from those fighting against them, as they should. ZAFT has been dominant in KAW for many years. Lots of hate there. All I see the APOC blasting them, they are falling apart, and there is not much rebuttal from them.

    I've seen this same thread hundreds of times. This is really the only time I sense players are starting to believe the riff-raff. As they should with ZAFT's no-forum policy. Oh well, speculation will run rampant without statements to offset this movement.

    Till then, I will laugh at the statless alt. Grow a pair, Nancy.

    See? Perfect example. Now is when ZAFT needs to say otherwise. Which I don't see happening.
  14. We have. We don't see the need to keep repeating it.

    I've said plenty of times that ZAFT doesn't have a ZAFT wide no posting policy. The policy is "refrain" from posting. What individual ZAFT clans do is up to them. Yet it still gets posted that ZAFT has a "no posting" policy. That's actually one of the reasons why we have a refrain from posting policy in the first place. It doesn't matter what you say. Someone is going to keep saying otherwise.

    So we rarely bother.
  15. I was thoroughly enjoying this little tale until you started with the **** talk and called Harb harbinger of trash. That's the problem with threads like this, they can never be 1) written by main accounts, so the reader therefore assumes all information is second hand and not to be taken seriously, and 2) written from a biased perspective so one side always ends up getting ridiculed and demeaned.

    Nice try though.
  16. The ship started sinking well before 1sl took over. Many clans, including Warlor, were farmed unprovokingly, or pushed into osw by laoda. Apoc, with strong leaders, loyal members and leaderboards who fight hard, grew closer as a family and began to right the wrongs. After each osw we sought to co-exist and work through issues, but you can only poke a bear so many times before it comes back to bite. So now we have to finish what they started. Kudos to Clan A HQ and Silver for standing up to the wrongs done to them as well. Top quality warriors getting the job done. Let the strips roll...