Hey guilty, unblock me please. Now that's out of the way. Most people make EE clans, where they only do EE there. I do agree it's a pain going through the roster and checking who has what and how much. On another note, android resets the position of where you were on cr while you scroll and click on a profile so it gets really annoying to check rosters
What's wrong with hiring allies in war anyway? Doesn't make you pay more. You get free gold As a tank, he rarely gets successful inc I fail so see the issue with ally hires during ee
Lol....that means dont hire an ally a few minutes before u enter war, and wave of conflict means ur going into a war and most people dont want to go into war with trillions out
Because to compete in the event u need to waste 2 hours and not get any favors, which hurts a lot, while the EB path was more calm and the 25 trophies was much better than 25 favors for war as well lol
I dont think its a good idea.. bcoz if people knows everything then there wont be much of excitement and good ee results.. mostly the better teams will keep on winning. So to make it fair lets keep it like this.. ty.
I dont see anything wrong with more clans learning to ee or making it easier for clans to see roster its what you do with the infomation thats is gathered from the resources that helps decide outcome along with a good wc/tracker/team effort
Rewards for ee suck. That's why no one is bothering. 25 favors for a win is hilarious. So is the mith drop rate for winning. So is getting absolutely nothing for a good effort that comes up short. If ee has a future, it must increase the crap rewards, most of us vets have bfe to a level that makes ee redundant if it's not fun. And currently, it's not.
Yeah, no support. More information just means more ways to create mismatches and exploits, as if that weren't already a big enough problem
Well if EE was improved n ppl were loyal to war clans much would improve for sure. Established war clans go about their biz n find success. Mercs looking for war clans get what they find. 15 vs 15 EE is not hard to manage when clannies r in it together n share the load. When mercs come n go to eb clans it creates much more unnecessary work than need be.
Okay so clan wars not the indi wars, there's more than enough prep for them, you can schedule which wars you want to do, and set up your roster accordingly. You've got hours and hours to prepare so I'd have to say no
Like most things in kaw its tool to help speed things along knowing whos cast and who they are is not gona change the outcome of the match its a aide.to help move things a lil faster i get the fact that theres plenty of time but with making things like this easier we could move faster and it would help to move on to other things