I'm intrigued actually what did i run from? You guys got this war u didn't need me did u lol. I left a week into the war I didn't fancy spending another year in a pointless osw.. U may follow the crowd but I don't
It's ok rasta, dr death (what kind of name is that anyhow???) just admitted he doesn't post thoughtfully in another thread... I wish I could figure out the laughing emoji code! *facepalm*
I mean, you're partially right. The first pvp event kaw had, me and my clannies were hitting some kotfe members for shards as well. They weren't in osw at the time, but they got pissed off when hit during a pvp event.... They nearly declared osw on us and started walling trashtalks. I respect kotfe and whole apoc, but getting hit during a pvp event is just plain stupid to get mad over.
What's really funny here is: 1. You haven't been hit in 2 days, you were given a CF yesterday. 2. I stopped even hitting you back in event until you came to forums to trash talk me. 3. You have no bank :lol: 4. You call it bullying to hit you back? You went from account to account of mine for 14 days and don't expect to get your ass kicked when you're back and ready for your precious ebs? 5. You just dropped build because you raged when you got silenced. Rip Rasta_mouse
Were you not recently picking a wrong fight with troll on a picture thread? What did you expect would happen?