I keep getting hit non stop

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DemonWolfx, Feb 13, 2015.

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  1. This one dude keeps hitting me like Today he hit me 75times plz help
  2. Tap away, young one.

    Tap away.
  3. It's called farming
  4. 1. Hit back


    2. Ask politely for him to stop without coming across as s noob
  5. He is to strong I asked and hr said hr likes having fun with me...
  6. People who do this should be banned from kaw.
  7. Hit him back its an even fight, if anything you have the bigger cs.
  8. He's on my wall
  9. Dude, stop being a wuss and hit back. You're bigger than him.
  10. /lock for low effort
  11. Buy some attack pots and reck him
  12. No my attacks fail to be honest he has been hitting me for 3days
  13. Hit back
  14. Okay op. Firstly you are bigger.

    Second of all, you at coming across as weak. Never whine if you want someone to stop. Come across polity, and as if you don't care.

    But seriously, hit back. Buy pots. Scout if all else fails.
  15. Suck it up and deal with it.
  16. Let me help you out op. I will unload on him with an alt.
  17. I posted on his wall man. I don't know if he will listen to me. If he doesn't stop hitting you the mods will ban him, I'm sure.
  18. Oh my god I can't believe he went to forums :lol:
  19. "Excessive farming"
  20. Omg I can't believe you have no life
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