Crazy? What's crazy is that with all those clans on us he still kicked ur asses in a pvp event Larry
What's crazy is the amount of brown stuff on your nose from that comment. it's a pvp event, he maxed crystaled daily on peeps. And since hardly any of the rest of daft sends out inc, yourself included, most of apoc tends to stay open if they aren't unloading. Easy stuff. But here you go posting irrelevant posts on yet another thread to try and make yourself seem worth anything. Keep it up Russian idiot, I love it when you show the world what a dumb broad you truly are
Wait a second Oli? Are you actually admitting that Larry hit Apoc? Your alliance's previous stance was that Larry doesn't hit.. He only hits osf. Has Apoc's stance since changed? Do they now concede he hit them? You said ZAFT does not hit but most of the PVP LB was ZAFT and most of the EB LB was Apoc? Would you like to do an interview with me to clear this up?
FYI all Kawers Brian Williams is a multiple Emmy winner (51 i believe) Canadian Sportscaster for CBC. Official score update: Emmy's 51 Quests 1
Damn u seem so upset..I don't blame u, I would be too if I was u. Also it seems u have no idea of what's going in this war. Too bad I missed ur strip - Chubby doesn't hesitate to remind me every time he gets the chance lol Keep raging oli, maybe u'll screw up again in one of ur posts, like u did on the thread u guys had locked due to amount of embarrassment it caused to ur whole alliance. And a lot of that embarrassment was on u so thank u
Well, unless you are a blind monkey that prides yourself on picking your ass, I'd say it's pretty obvious who his main is.
Or I just skimmed the OP and came and commented. Now that I actually read it, I know. What's wrong with being a blind monkey?
Nice job Larry Staying pinned and watching your alliance and family get stripped and run is totally worth those shoulders these past few weeks
Sounds to me like he was fighting you guys and earning some favors off of you. Larry even said he caught and pinned a few strips at ZAFT corp the last day of the event.. He was "on fire" that day