Kali , Myth or Legend ?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by --kali--, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. When you used to be on the leaderb-------

    And it's gone
  2. Oh yeah. Thats really bad 
  3. Cheese you've been out way too long.

    KALI was 131 on ally lb.

    KALI got stripped 37t, proceeded to rage drop all allies on her main account and her alt (that Leo account that just posted) and convert KALI using the remainder of her gold to a pure spy.

    She's been stripped dozens of times, today she just happens to have a max plunder ally and an attack building up.
  4. Don't spam
  5. Sounds like you're failing troll.

    Wanna try the truth?
  6. Search her name, you'll find the story very quickly


    Zeth, don't you have some art to steal?
  7. Thanks for the update, Troll.

    37T jesus.


    Only in kaw can years of work get wiped overnight.

    I take that back - Game of War is worse. MUCH worse 

  8. Seriously make a thread about your obsession of troll or get lost... There's enough narcissistic
    Stank on this thread via the OP..

    K thx bai
  9. Omar is a legend
  10. ️ I can teach you to get as fat as a walrus if you like.
  11. Agreed, I actually quit GoW because that happened to me too many times.
  12. This should have been posted with a statless alt, as that is proper form for the official expression of kaw butthurtedness.
  13. Yup. Same here. 6 months in GoW, and I had had enough of that bs

    You guys think kaw devs are greedy. You havent seen greedy till you play GoW
  14. Guys we are getting out of the point of the OP to argue.

    "-INF- & Trollo, Just a Bromance???????????"

  15. I just threw up a little in my mouth.
  16. Now I understand why trollo is so butthurt
  17. Oh snap... You got those fuckers good didn't you?

    Are you like some kind of eleventeen year old tiger beat teeny bopper or something? Did I miss the memo or what?
  18. You must be a myth from another part of KaW, because I've never heard of you.
  19. Claims to write a book and then continues post with grammar equivalent to a snails brain capacity.
  20. 