Silly Republicans

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by The-Raj, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. We learned about greenhouse gasses and ozone depletion in school back in the early 90's. No one doubts that climate (an area of land measured by average rainfall over time) can change due to any type of change in environment. Deserts have grown larger for centuries due to deforesting the surrounding areas. Dust storms happen because of lack of trees in farmlands areas. It's common knowledge that pollution causes environmental problems and contributes to changes in climate.

    However, i doubt real climate change conforms to Al Gore's doomsday clock.

  2. That's the old religion model for scaring people into tithing every sunday. Science is the new religion. Question everything.
  3. It's the common sense model of risk assessment based on the results of continuous peer reviewed investigations and observed data. Science is based on questioning everything. Religion isn't.
  4. im gonna deny old age n call it a conspiracy (grin) now if only i could pay some pseudoscience peeps to write some stuff to support it we could get peeps to agree with me old age never happens (giggle)
  5. Couldn't have said it better. For every "scientist" who screams one thing there's 2-3 saying another. It's unfortunate the screaming one gets the attention.
  6. Republicans are pure evil nazi worshippers. Sensible Americans need to wise up.
  7. It is now widely accepted that the only way to truly reverse global warming is natural. A super volcanic eruption, Yellow stone super volcano. The eruption would be catastrophic with millions of deaths from mainly huge ash volumes. However this ash could be our salvation. It is well known that large volcanic eruptions decrease world temperature to a degree. Yellowstone would almost completely negate this warming process. This however will stall it not prevent it. This duty is down to humanity. If we don't act and fully accept our responsibility we will regret our actions as a species.
  8. I refuse to put blind faith into the scientist preachers of today's information age. In the 70's we were supposedly on "Global Cooling". Now we're on a warming trend. The earth warmed up quite a bit naturally after the Ice Age. Before the Ice Age it was extremely hot tropical atmosphere.

    But what do I know.. I'm just a guy that passed college science courses and paid attention to history

  9. What do you know? You know .

    You passed a college science course. You deserve a medal.
  10. Its what history teaches us or doomed to repeat it. If world leaders deny n do nothing about global warming its not going to bode well. Climate changes r apparently occurring already. In my lifetime alone its very apparent. Where i live winter is getting milder n in other climes storms etc r worsening. Eg China cares not one iota about polutants to the point the public health is at risk wearing masks walking to work.
  11. Not in this case. 97% of the world's climatologists say it's happening and humans are contributing to it.
  12. You should have paid closer attention. Global cooling was never widely accepted by the scientific community. In fact, a survey of the literature shows there were actually 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet in the 70's. But "Ice Age" looked better on magazine covers.
  13. Yes climate change is real, its called spring,summer,fall, and winter
  14. Sources? Did you know 90% of stats are made up? lol. So we are bagging on a senator who has TWICE held the gavel for the environments committee and has access to the best research and information including top secret studies and things we can't imagine because we read online that climate change is caused by mankind. And someone saw "97% of climatologists" say so. Was that 97% of the ones they chose to interview? Makes sense to me. Not arguing for or opposed but blindly spewing nonsense without multiple sources, facts, or even good research only adds to exactly what was said above. Drive by fear not fact. Which is what the media, not scientists, do.
  15. Read the thread. The source was posted earlier on page 2.
  16. The Guardian? That's your source? And you read that one article, saw fancy names in it and felt that was due diligence enough. That's your choice mate. I prefer not to be a media puppet. We all have our own choices and opinions. If you want to fight that fight, as long as it's with honor and decency, then I say good luck. I see more important fights myself.
  17. So with all this science why haven't we found better solutions?

    The answers is because they don't want to spend the money on computer projected models that may or may not turn out to be correct.

    Instead the politics and taxation take center stage. Instead of solutions. If taxing poor people is the solution, then we are all in trouble. And by poor I mean you. The people who already recycle everything, those of us who bought the crappy hybrids. The ones who pick up trash and clean up spills.

    Instead it's political bickering, and burden placed upon the people. While the people advocating policy fly in private jets.

  18. Actually, the source on page 2 is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The source that the Guardian refers to, which is on page 6, is the United States Geological Survey. If you're going to come here and blather all self righteously, at least READ the response I give you and try know what you're talking about.
  19. You do it all the time dragon. Then you ridicule and dismiss to try to win a silly debate on KaW that is meaningless.
  20. Guys like dragon support the state. He is a statist. So he is all for you being taxed for pollution. He is for you carrying burden.

    For the people. The ones they blame. The one who are too many. All along the state is the biggest contributor to carbon emissions. Not you.