I want to keep this thread short and too the point. I loved how back in the first two seasons of the estoc wars you would lose an ee level for leaving the clan. It kept ee clans close and pushed away the idea of mercing for wars. I remember warthog strafe run or Minas morgul, getting a spot to war was hard because everyone wanted to war. I first started ee wars in the off season of s2, I found it to be fun and slightly annoying having to sign up several days in advance just to have a slot to war :lol: but what I saw was a full clan where everyone wanted to war and have fun. Now we have iwars and people constantly floating around mercing wars. I want to see the return of clan loyalty, where we get an incentive to stay wishing our home clans, where we have these big clans going head to head once more and wars becoming enjoyable again. Now it's just a handful of clans at the top who frequently war and noobs with little to no war experience filling the slots because they think mith is given out like candy And iwars are just damn awful :lol: I really want devs to make it a requirement for xstals or help implement a way so people can get wc or trackers in wars. Can't have 1 guy always doing it (and don't say it's because of my war bracket, literally dropped build 2 days ago because I'm converting)
I hated the fact you would lose an ee level for leaving. Meant you couldn't belong to a non-EE clan and war. Meant endless hours of sitting twiddling thumbs while other warred. Meant no benefit from EE levels because of hours sitting. No support
I support this..i miss the old EE clan structure..peeps constantly talking about build mechs and improving builds..during season the focus wasnt growing at all or even getting EE (only eb peeps warred for ee and werent allowed in our clan) it was on making boatloads of mith and collecting enough points for best equip..in between seasons was for growing and changing build so higher EE level was sort of important..EE clans were a sub culture in kaw with our own superstars and almost everyone knew everyone..i miss it
Makes iwar kinda useless. I leave home clan, lose a level. Say i lose the iwar, lose another level. Leave the iwar clan to go home, lose yet another level. Though i loved this in past seasons, dont see it happening again
Indi wars are great for players who can't get into top notch ee clans. Clan loyalty with ee is No Issue At All in my opinion. It's simple, if you win your clan members stay loyal, if you lose they're out, why else would you wanna stay at a losing clan if you're there for ee? All the peeps in the top notch ee clans have been there for Forever and will stay there, now tbh that sounds like loyalty to me.
It will never be brought back unfortunately due to the amount of peeps who stay in b2b hte clans n war for ee. It would be a death blow to hte clans
Sorry but no support. I have been warring since before ee wars so experienced both. I agree with Troll. Sitting around got old. Especially if you were not rostered. Loyalty is simple. Join a clan you want to be loyal to.
No support. I was doing EE wars around that time, and although I was loyal to my clan I still liked mercing out every now and then to do item EBs and meeting new people with the possibly of recruiting new members into my home clan. Never liked losing EE because of that.