Future of PVP events

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rikkimaru, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Because equipment is a huge increase in stats, they make people look awesome, tell people how well one has performed and they are collectible.

    Money / can be earned during normal play...
  2. Make opt in a 24 hour spell and keep it in the game full time. Same deal with the battle list. 
  3. PvP weekends would work aslong as you can lose the collecting material like the shard event. That way you can't farm alts as much as I'd love to
  4. Exactly
  5. i agree 100% with this idea..along with the tier approach make the awards much better for the higher tiers as to encourage growth etc..etc
  6. Here is a couple of added ideas they could implement as a reward for weekend wars. They could do a bracket system so you are Put in to ranks like top 250 get 5 day plunder spell plus so many mith per items won.... Top 500 4 day spell top 1000 2day spell and participating gets a one day spell. And so on. This way there is incentive for more activity. Support this idea.
  7. No more top 1000, 500, 100 etc etc it makes it too much pay to win and its borig
  8. I make more hitting in pvp the pproblem is it dont pay for the pot and mith used.
  10. Pvp weekends for gold crux chests? Or maybe free mithril...
  11. Iv said this on pvp thread take out tops and make milestones keep top 1-100 however they want to re arrange their reward bracket but make milestones for those of us that are top 1k every other event sometimes not even top 1k we just fall in the 1k bracket.
  12. Why not have battle list/pvp drop mithril at the same rate low percentage as quests do nobility permanently? That will fix the BFE imbalance for war equipment. Yea, people will farm their alts.. But it would take years to get the needed amount to enchant
  13. Idk why a shorter pvp event matters.
    I'd Rather see a weekend war tourney.
    As for this event its only as long as how early ppl opted in.
    Revise rewards for the event n its fine.
  14. Pvp for pvp rewards not eb rewards.
  15. I was almost top 100, would of been as well if I wasn't inactive for 2-3 days. And I didn't spend. You just gotta find little tricks and keep on top of your game for LB. Spending allows you to be inactive for longer.
  16. Yeah guyZ

    Top 100 is easy! You just gotta find an open ps or farm hansels for 2 weeks.

    Plunder war!!!
  17. for weekend pvp event its opt in n placed in a pvp only clan. No eb's allowed n make same as Shard event. U can win or lose Shards. Opt in is done before event starts only. A self contained event is more workable IMO

    Does that remove exploits better?

  18. I grinded this account on alt and Made 1k yesterday lol
  19. Pretty much :lol: make that 10-20 Hancels in block list and opening those who drop to ps and drop xtrals on when they sleep at night.
  20. Top 100 will have been PW participants.. Looks like kaw has come full circle..

    Now what?