Eberibody knows val is a moron and a stalker. Everiwhere i go he shows up and tryes to steal my thunder. He cant so he gets exposed as a chump.
Val is now pretending to brush it off and pass off his stalking as if it was a byproduct of his farming but we all no thats a lie because val has never farmed anyone in his entire life. In short: val IS a stalker. And hes also creepy as hell. Not to mention hes never worked out his legs. His legs are as thick as a noodle.
Lmao whatever you say "Precious" (please refer to the match a player to a movie thread), according to you everything's a lie
Your persistant attacks on me, a player who can't successfully hit back, only proves one thing. Your too much of a coward to hit players your own size. At some point you will have to move from mommies basement and get a job like the rest of us tax paying people. I enjoy your attention but I also feel sorry for your lack of life. God speed. I look forward to being pinned by you and your alt army. I will watch from my real life. Anyone out there who enjoys a good show.....follow here.
Lolol. Sure I only hit you? Coz I've been terrorising the top 5 of your clan whenever I want. I just added you into the mix coz you've got the loudest mouth over there and ASKED for inc. now when you get hit, you call it "hitting smaller players". Don't ask if you don't want
It's an honor to be targeted by you. I feel privileged. As I have stated don't laugh too hard at my fails....I occasionally sneak one in.
Nah fo real I've been called a stalker lots of Times andseen people be called stalkers for hitting too hard. Sad thing is I've stalked them too much I can't even remember the names otherwise I'd of used a different SS. But they all scurried off once I got bored
I've been terrorising the top 5 people in your clan ~ val. Bahahaha omg i just lmaoed super hard. Dude, u couldn't terrorize anyone, even if you poured your heart and soul into it. On a side note, VAL I WANT YOU TO "TERRORIZE" ME. u see? I even did it all caps.
You can't get 5 hits. I'm that fast. Faster than Mohammed Ali. I'm so fast, I turned the light off in my room and got in bed before it turned dark.