Great job op! Republicans do this with so many issues. History doesn't lie, they are usually wrong on major issues such as this. Don't get how people support these guys, unless your a multi millionaire.
Governments don't tell multinational corporations what to believe. Multinational corporations tell them.
Don't get how you can support democrats...unless you are poor and lazy and want free **** that I have to pay for!
If you still think global warming is a hoax and not caused by humans you need to get smacked in the face with some knowledge.
Because we're smart enough not to believe people who tell you to wet your pants over stuff like gay marriage, prayer in school, abortion, or some single mom getting food stamps, while at the same they're busy handing over your money to big corporations.
Any student of any faith can pray in public schools in America. There's no law against it. What's not allowed is proselytizing by public employees on the taxpayer's dime. What upsets many Christians isn't that they can't pray in school. They can. What upsets them is that they lost their monopoly. By the way, it's not "racist". Religion doesn't have anything to do with race. The term you're looking for is "discrimination".
If you believe this here. Then you know democrats won't change that. Even if not in the context of the inspiration of this thread. So in not sure why you alway keep on with these threads pushing political agendas.
@ Hydra-Shok I'm a pragmatist. I work with what I have. When something better comes along, I'll work with that.
You do a lot of work for being on a kids game. I'm happy there are few of you left around. Have a good day.
It's not just for kids. Lots of adults play it too. And I can do it while my ass is parked on the couch watching TV so it's not really a huge inconvenience. You have a good day too.
How about most pollution that causes co2 levels to rise is caused by natural occurring things called volcanoes which makes up most of the pollution in the world Climate change is not a hoax but to say humans cause more damage to climate change or what is formally known as global warming is plain stupid Also business scientist have only been studying these changes in-depth for only the last 25-30 years so no there is not enough proof that humans cause climate change ALSO don't plants trees and other things that use co2 to make photosynthesis? So does that mean more co2 better plants will grow and which means more oxygen is produced in to the air Also only people who believe in climate change "global warming" are leftist not rightist
Honestly guys... You really think he wrote this? He copied this entire article (link below). I find it halarious that he acted like he just wrote the whole thing. Go read the article, he copied the entire thing word for word. ... -trolling/
congrats on thinking that you just disproved what 99% of the world's scientists believe to be true with some basic elementary school ****