crap pvp event.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iKnowHuh, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. This event is garbage, everytime I get hit I go to return hits and 99% of the time there dtw. So many freaking eb noobs came out an are to afraid to come out of pin.

    This needs to be changed for pvp event. No dtw no hitting from pin.

    So many cowards out lately.
  2. just look and try harder :)
  3. That's not the purpose I want to return hits
  4. I'm guilty of this,don't take my sword...bro
  5. Hitting from pin is smart though. Finding weak attack stats, like op, and attacking them will conserve your own troops since people won't be attacking you and same goes for spies.
  6. Just do the same to them... Especially when you get your own sword... See how they like it when they try to steal your majestic sword

  7. Look my new targ
  8. I don't hit from pin bro
  9.  yea. People should always remain open for inc  stick to ebs fool
  10. Tough?
  11. If you had actual troop stats I wouldn't have said anything.
  12. Pvp isn't about just who is stronger its about who is more committed
  13. And strategic
  14. Staying dtw is the way to win in any war... Including events and an osw