This was proposed back in like 2012 (I played back then on a different acc) Support, a bit goofy but it would be something that would make this game unique, which is good
On Bungie's forums (Previous makers of Halo and current makers of Destiny) they replace swear words with "-blam!-". So for example you'd say "this is -blam!-ed up". I personally like that. It takes out the hostility of swear words while still retaining the originally idea of have asterisks in place of swear words. If you find a problem with the above quote, delete this post...
I like the idea of a filtered word being changed to the proper noun or verb tense of "Spragga." Ex. Holy Spragga! I just Spragging sprained my Spragged thumb on that last strip!
If that's the case then you shouldn't be allowed to talk. Hop off is a polite version of a different word, therefor is a bypass. This is just getting ridiculous, bring back the old filter, have it change the entire SENTANCE into random jumbles of letters. No stars, no context to go on
Wow I love this idea. This will make the game so much more fun to play. However, in cc, they should remove the filters. In wc and walls, this would be great.
Silly Idea. The context is still the same for everyone with a tiny bit of imagination. I'm sure the power starved will run with it and continue their struggle for what they see as being the best. Primarily against those they have pre-existing issues with. Take me for example. Kotfe mods hate me; they've silenced me 5 times in last 6 months. 4 of them reversed. Makes you wonder eh? How much is too much?