Random Drawings of Mine

Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by Zethryr, Feb 9, 2015.

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  1. This is by far my favorite one I have drawn. Just Pencil and Paper.
  2. Tbh I am unimpressed
  3. I care not.
  4. I can do better
  5. The punisher one took about two hours.
  6. The second is much more impressive, if you actually drew it.
  7. 2nd pic is cool nice shading too
  8. Trust me I did. I would show the signature, but I don't want the citizens of KaW having my signature, so...
  9. Will upload a few more when I get back home. My sketch folder is at home, and those two are the only ones I have pictures of.
  10. I like how the second and third drawings are way better than the first :lol: anyone can tell you didn't do it.
  11. Sure. The first one was with a crappy pen, on crappy paper, in five minutes.

    I really don't care if you don't believe me.
  12. Let me show you one of mine i just doodled in a minute
  13. I think they look great, but as you know forums can be horrible  well done I can just about draw stick men 
  14. Draw iron man
  15. OP, are you from Croatia?
  16. I have a pen one that I drew of iron man. Will send pics.
  17. "Don't care if you believe me"
    Responds to posts about how you did it.

    Makes sense
  18. Erm... No?
  19. Biohazard, escort yourself out please. You have had too many to drink.
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