Perhaps a Solution to the New Chat Filter?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by lIlIlIlIIllIlIlIllIllIlIlIIlIl, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Why are you making solutions? Devs have changed it to this and will not change it back or another way. You're wasting your time. Deal with it like you've had to with every other update.
  2. And not even TRY to find a better alternative? No thanks. My words may go in vain, but I will not give up without trying. Try being optimistic, no matter how futile it seems.
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Terra I'm disappointed in you. You didn't select the proper version of that gif.
  5. I was trying to find the one with watermelons and KFC to be completely honest. Couldn't find a link on my phone.
  6. Heh.

    I like the Japanese one with the rice.
  7. The fact that very few will take this seriously saddens me. Just shows that perhaps the filter is necessary, as the combined maturity age of numerous people who've posted on this topic is similar to that of a 14 year olde boy.

    Very sad indeed.
  8. We all know that devs won't change it, better to laugh about it than to cry.
  9. Inb4butthurttakemyopinionsseriouslylock
  10. InB4Spock
  11. Welcome to KaW forums my friend.

  12. Not crying. Read. I'm trying to come up with solutions since it seems to be everyone is crying. This isn't crying. This is an educated man trying to find a solution that works for all.
  13. Absolutely because you, among many others need to grow up.
  14. This is the adolescent's breeding ground.
  15. Get with the new. The largest account can be over 50m cs, therefore 2-3m cs peeps are pretty much "statless".
  16. Much better :lol:
  17. Some post the worlds smallest violin gif before lock lol