Idea for new update: Win/Fail Ratios!?!?!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_Vic-The_Vicious_-, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Hi, I'm royal. Just wanted to give a little idea I thought of while looking at clans history for Ebs and wars. So let me cut to the chase and you give feedback at the end.

    Everyone can agree that we all have looked and looked for a good or decent clan correct? Well what if that was made easier for someone to do? Just based off of a small add-in to the game, the game would make it easier to choose the right clan for the right person.

    What I am talking about here is by simply adding a Win/Fail(Lose) Ratio to the War history and Eb history of a clans history page. It can be added to the page right above where it begins to list the Ebs/Clan names that were fought. Also, add it in for Ebs to see which Ebs are won more than lost.

    Not only will this help players find the clan for them, but it will also help people see how well a clan does. It makes it easier to rule out the top clans from the bottom clans.

    I hope you all like the Idea and I hope you all support this so it could benefit the whole Kawmunity. Let's try to get the Devs in on it 2!!! :D

    Thank you for your time!
  2. Why not? What's wrong with the idea?
  3. This will be fought about but I think only for wars cause you have leader boards for ebs/overall clans already
  4. True and Ty for slight support! :D
  5. I support this!!

    It greatly helps in a way for a clan to have Win/Fail on wars and eb ratio!

    7/10 epic battles completed (rest defeated or forfeited) for example, is 70% "Victory" chance!

    I would also like to add something (unless if it's already there on the thread) to the idea!

    How many *name of epic battle*, along has been done since creation of clan?
    How many Victories/total epic battles attempted? (e.g. Warbeasts 109/116)
  6. Well wouldn't calms run WB back to back to top it? :roll:
  7. Yes, that is possible!! But it's more recommended for starter/seal hunter clans. A newbie may need to find a warbeast clan with a great ratio of completion!

    Preferably, 95% and above chance of warbeast victories!
  8. No support, sorry but this ranks much lower in dev priority than restricting chat and other "improvements"

    There's just no funds I'm afraid...

  9. Prestige does the same thing but better. If you had a win loss ratio of say 21 win and 3 losses that looks pretty sexy, but if your 21 wins were against them diamond guerrillas guys then that's not exactly impressive now is it? At least prestige is a meaningful reflection of your wins against decent clans.

    In short no support.
  10. I don't really see the point of this, simply cos every clan can practically run hte b2b.
  11. It could increase the desire for a flawless Eb record, a source of clan pride, and also an indicator of clan history.

    So I like the idea. Can't see the harm in it.
  12. No support. This would add nothing to the game. Nothing. So would be pointless for the devs to consider this, let alone implement it.
  13. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's an inefficient use of manpower when ATA could be working on a deeper clan structure and osw perks.

    No support, but good idea. Maybe late in the future.
  14. I was optimistic you were going to be discussing the win/fail ratios on the PvP aspect. That stuff needs some serious readjustment. So do the hit ratios for that matter, actually.
  15. I'd like to split the battles won statistic into two subsections: Epic battle attacks won and player attacks won. That would be a nice addition to the game!
  16. No support

    But its about as worthless as the new chat filters.
    So devs prob consider it
  17. No support.

    Eb win ratio means nothing as ebs vary in difficulty.

    Its hardly difficult to flick through a few pages of eb history anyway.
  18. Can do a thousand warbeasts just to be ob top
  19. It could be alright, if the ratio was for each individual EB. One for Warbeasts, one for Haunt, etc.