The Resistance Family has a new born baby: Resistance Beginnings - Clan for beginners of Resistance Family As Resistance Rising did what the name suggests it became to hard for smaller player to hit ebs as they do B2B Haunts. So a new clan was born to be a home for new clannies who begin their journey of the path of The Resistance to become LEGENDARY!! The Resistance Family, born from the ashes of modern society, is all about family and friendship. We stand and fight as one, side by side with out brothers and sisters. Resistance Beginnings is the beginning clan for The Resistance. Once you are ready, you will graduate to Resistance Rising. Requirements: No min cs Be active in Epics (100 hits a week) Be willing to grow Say hi in cc (be social ) An link to the clan can be found on this profile. C'mon noobs, sign up and fight