New & Improved Chat Filter

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 6, 2015.

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  1. Re: New

    At Kaw,

    Swearing doesn't turn players away. Restricting ones freedom turns players away. This game is made to make money. The only players that get turned away by swearing are little kids, kids that have no money and will not purchase a single thing. I personally have reduced my activity on KAW and turned to Clash of Clans because of all these stupid restrictions and all these nonsense eb events. Pvp events are great but besides that you guys have yet to accomplish anything of merit for the past year. The best thing you've ever done for your pockets is implement HTE.

    That being said, I think it would be useful to at least allow a clan owner the ability to have his clan chat censored or not. Add in a function to the clan to edit the ability of censorship or not. Personally I love clan chat for how vulgar it can get at times. People play kaw to kick back relax and socialize with like minded people. So allow us the freedom within our clans to speak as we choose to speak.


    BMikes ️
  2. Re: New

    Stay out of our CC this is the worst ******* update ever - you have 100 THINGS that should have been fixed first - get your managerial heads out of your managerial asses
  3. Re: New

    Well said.
  4. Re: New

    Whats does swearing have to do with freedom? 1st u talking swearing n then its vulgar make your mind up. Do u mean inarticulates invoke freedom of speech in a game with rules? Idk but if ppl think swearing is some right then find another game. Besides who gives a crap about other apps when playing KaW.
  5. Re: New

    Does this mean I can finally say Scunthorpe with out it been blocked?
  6. Re: New

    That would be a no then
  7. Re: New

    I want you to stop and think about someone else for a second....

    If you feel that you must take massive exception to this new updated censor because you take the stance that it will in some way impede your freedom to speak offensively to others, I can only imagine that yours is a life filled with constant aggressive arguments and expletive insults born of a life bereft of proper parental supervision.

    It is NOT normal to constantly act aggressively to another individual or to find new and uninteresting ways to bully or provoke others into having to submit to your attention seeking endeavours.

    Being an adult means working to be a better person whilst working for a better world, not trying to destroy everything you see or touch just to watch it burn. That is the work of insane people.

    If you are insane, then I would ask why the nurses at your asylum allowed you to have a device that would make it possible for you to join a community where your mentally challenged thought process could run amok.

    This tweak is mostly for the odd one or two weirdos, adolescents and idiots out there who enjoy posting incendiary comments on wc and ppl's walls.

    Well done KAW for making it harder for them to post dumb offensive comments that are trying to gain juvenile attention.

    The only thing I shall miss is the inevitable silence notification that comes after the idiots try to bypass in wc...that always makes me smile 

    KAW is, as so many people try to remind us, a WAR game but that doesn't mean that we can't all be Gentlemen.

    In conclusion, I would say...the next time something happens that provokes your wrath and makes you feel so angry that you feel unable to cope without expressing yourself offensively....ask yourself these three questions;

    1. Do I understand that this is only a Game?
    2. Why do I lack the ability to cope with losing?
    3. How can I express disappointment without being offensive?

    Happy Kawing
  8. Re: New

    Well spoken n better said than i could do
  9. bypasses will still happen. all they did was replace asterisks by blocking prohibited words. the same work arounds will still work. anyone who wants to say nasty things to people, still can.

    this is nothing but an inconvenience. there is no "improvement".
  10. I dont know if this has been mentioned but i can still cuss out a 9 year old in personal messaging. Your new censorship is half-assed.
  11. Re: New

    Damn. People still crying about this? 
  12. i know i am.
  13. Stupid, chat was fine without it
  14. Re: New

    Sarcastic twit (replace I with a)
  15. I hope you understand me when I say, (something) you devs. What a bunch of funny ugly crow kicker 's
  16. Re: New

    You want a welcoming place? Get the heck out. You darn well know what I mean.
  17. Re: New

    A welcoming place? Really? Is this kingdoms at war or grannies at knitting?
  18. Why don't you just remove asterisks? Because whenever we innocently use them, one of your trigger happy slave mods will come along and silence.

    Because we all know those mods are just as useless as you.

    By the way, replace the word "slave" in paragraph 1 with a more suitable word that should come to mind.
  19. Funny coming from you. What the f happened to you?
  20. Re: New

    Actually, they've banned trash talk, they lock and graveyard the threads that center around that. On top of that, didn't the devs get defensive a while ago about people taking there anger out on the mods? Via farming?
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