Re: New It's not using asterisks that's the problem. You simply cannot use them for words that are filtered because the context is still carried though. Regardless of the actual content used (words, stars, emoji, etc) if the context of the message is inappropriate you can still be silenced.
Re: New Is the context not open to interpretation of the viewer? If someone is seeing something as inappropriate, that is only their opinion. Furthermore, if the are interpreting it as something inappropriate, they obviously must understand he innapropriate words/innuendo and therefore would be no more offended than if they just blatantly saw the words. Therefore why do we need it. If 12 year olds are offended by starred words, they must know the starred words.
So if I'm correct, the word will be removed from the forum, however the context will still be taken into account. If that happens, you give forumers a false sense of security because they believe they are still able to cuss in the forums. Also by taking out that one word, you could change the entire context of the phrase. As an example (as in don't silence be bro), let's use this phrase: "Well, that's ****ed up atleast." You can easily tell that what was meant to come out is not: "Well, that's up atleast.". This would become confusing for people that didn't know the filtered out word and be annoying to every time and ask what they meant to say. Here's another: "Lol, stop whining and complaing like a ." Now, let's also take into context that what you said, although it was accepted by the filter and has no bypasses, still has an understood 'bad word', you would not only be silenced in-game, but would also receive a forum ban all because you had a false sense of security. There are many players that write with the words that first come into mind, and most of the time the words that would come out are 'bad words' instead of ones that are 'ATA acceptable'. These players would be banned and silenced just because they thought that they were able to stay in the filter, not knowing that they were breaking anything because they were given the 'thumbs up' by the filter? That simply doesn't seem correct, and I hope that you would rethink your decision of deleting the word, and instead replace 'x' bad word with 'y' acceptable word. Although there are bound to be a few mishaps, it would still may mess up a few times, most of the sentences will not take a different meaning than the one that was originally intended. Another reasonable thing to do would be when the person first opens the forums, you make them accept a warning that says something like: "Possibly Inappropriate Language and Words" and recommend that the player ask someone of the age of x check the forums before allowing them to use it, and if they don't agree, disable that person's use of the forums with a button. Later, if the parent or guardian changes their mind, or the person becomes of age, they could message feedback or support to reenable (wow, that looks weird) their access to the forums, since we all know that always works.
Re: New Turlock was just silenced for saying Chubby tubby in wc. Devs thats just too far. We asked for the mod to explain silence or show n nvr even showed. Get ur crap straight devs no1 wants a babies game so dont make it one. All ill say
This is only "a better experience" for those who are offended by curse words. Be honest, are the majority of KaW players offended by their clan mates cursing?
Re: New Great googly moogly. I come here to escape the PC crap that has been imposed upon us by the cancerous SJW that have infected and invaded our RL. Seems one can't run far enough.