Clan A HQ Thanks FURY

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. My apologies Mr.Putin

  2. But you can't cuz you bad
  3. Now i cant complain about nothin cuz jupiter the Nazi wont like it. Smh
  4. Lol, did you not read my post? We were asked not to join... And I have nothing against ZAFT, if anything its Fury trying to throw around weight that is bringing in more clans against you guys.
  5. U guys need to decide if we trying to bring more clans in on us or if we complaining about having too many. Because so far ur side seems to be divided. Bad for ur propaganda c'mon lol
  6. I understand u got nothing to say about the context of my actual reply? Lol
  7. What propaganda? I don't understand what's so hard to understand. Your sub hit gp owner and admins over a war runner, clan a hit them. Were they supposed to cower and let it go because you guys are in osw? On that same boat if y'all are in osw, why are you guys hitting gp and not your targets?
  8. doom is a noob.
    That is all xD
  9. So u're gonna stick with 'trying to bring more clans in on us' theory. Fair enough.

    U can now go ahead and start debating with this guy since he and some others don't share ur opinion. That'll be interesting to watch lol
  10. Pinocchio would be proud of it. Other than that no I don't Mr.Putin
  11. Mr Putin?

    Is that a fast food outlet?
  12. Have some respect. Why are you posting my dear leader picture. Why don't you post your own leader. You hated your leader for no reason yet you voted him in office twice.
  13. I'm not saying hire hitting is wrong. It's just stupid to hire hit apoc. 

    I hire hit people. They are welcome to come war me over it.
  14. lmao
  15. I think that statement would be okay if you keep it on 1 vs 1. If you say statement like that knowing you can put someone on ca. You no better than Harbinger_of_Rat
  16. still waiting for that main :lol:
  17. Now nightmare, I respect you....but what your saying is you will throw the weight of your family around and no one can do anything about it...might want to rephrase
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