League of Legends fans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pfhgetty1337, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Last rank game..
    1st time using male champ.
    1st time Garden Top.
    Leona Afk.
    Kassadin fed kata midlane.
    My team got rekt..by kata...;-;
    Feel my noobs tears....
  2. It spells out lol. Lol
  3. Pretty sure that's a 3rd party game that shouldn't be on the forums
  4. You might as well all be speaking Chinese. I could probably understand that better.
  5. Technically this is okay.

    Here's why;

    You can't say "hey come play *insert other non ata game name here* it's fun and I wanna play against people from Kaw"

    You can say "hey I play *insert non ata game name here* who else plays?"

    It's a grey area but that's what I've seen said by a mod before.

  6. It's only against ToU if you advertise it. You are allowed to have conversation about it.

    And you can't request locks on someone else's thread
  7. Advertising is the suggestion that another user should play said game
  8. Heroes of the storm > LoL
  9. I love league of legends can't wait for the new dj sona skin immediate buy for me.
  10. Speaking of Sona, which supports do you prefer? Kill lane (Thresh), poke (Sona, Lulu), or sustain (Soraka, Sona with heal) supports? I do prefer kill lane supports myself, just because it's really fun to dive in and completely obliterate everything.

    I also think that it's the support's job to set up kills for the ADC, and in my experience, Sona doesn't really cut it. She's does really well in lower tiers, where people don't know how to counter her, but in higher tiers, she doesn't do enough of one thing -- she's a jack of all trades. Being that her skillset is so varied for the current meta, she doesn't have the role of any one support (an advantage to some but for me doesn't cut it). She also cannot function as a kill-lane support until level 6, which at that point, a Thresh would have already set up multiple kills and fed the ADC to the point of no return.

    I don't think that Sona is one of the better supports, but I agree that her new DJ skin is absolutely phenomenal!

    P.S. Just play her midlane, it actually works XD
  11. Been playing moba games since the early days of wc3 original dota, so pretty burned out on regular laning 5v5 so i mostly play aram now

    Give me sona in aram and its GG
  12. Love league 
  13. Well it doesn't matter the champion you play it's how well you can play it I would rather have an Experienced dude with a Mediocre champion than a broken champion on a complete dumbass.

    To be honest I believe sona is broken way better than thresh because of the sustain. You can always out lane with sona or heal champions so you start to gain cs lead xp lead going up against people that have to back because targons doesn't cut it sometimes.

    Plus in higher tiers thresh isn't that good as it is so easy to dodge his hooks once you know how to play the game you can predict any opponent so skill shot heavy supports won't cut it unless you got mad skills. The less skill shots the easier the champion easier the champion the better you will do against high skill cap champions with huge amounts of skill shots to hit.

    That is my insight to those kinds of champions.
  14. Very true, I agree that Sona is a very good support, and you have successfully convinced me that she is better at higher levels of play. I suppose one of her strengths is that she doesn't fall off as much late game as supports like Soraka do. Sona might now be one of my favorite supports just through that reasoning.

    So I ask you another question, who synergies most with sona? I would think a tank adc like graves would let her use more of her mana to poke, but in my experience, ezreal works fantastically because of the double poke+sustain. Who do you prefer to lane with when picking Sona?
  15. Another tip for aram, get flasks. They almost never expire and they are the most cost efficient items in the game as long as you can get a kill or assist every 15 seconds
  16. I played an Aram today and got Soraka.

    40k healing. No biggy.

    "No, my horn does not stick out of my deathcap"
  17. Lol, I have 75% contribution to kill as Soraka. Nobody in silver dodges the slows or stuns XD
  18. I'm not even lvl 30.

    Can't wait to play ranked. Supp Annie bot all the way
  19. Challenger, bitches️