What really irks me lately, is the tier system. Why can't they just set a goal. If you reach it, then that's it. Not this "top blah blah" thing. It's frustrating on top of being pay to win and such. But, Devs have always been this way :roll:
Issue I see at first glance is, what if someone purposefully has trillions out in gold, gets placed in a level, then upgrades out of it? They will then be much stronger than anyone in that group causing an unfair advantage.
Easy solution throughout the event anyone taking place in it is unable to change equipment or upgrade/downgrade their kingdom. This is the solution they have in place for EE.
Support. I'm liking the current event though. But what is really terrible was when they messed with the drops. Anywho, I really do love this plan.
Not sure I completely agree with op, but maybe a separate teir with limited xstals for different rewards. I'm well aware some of you have more to spend than others, and that isn't really the point. I can't use as many xstals as I can afford in ee, same concept. Making the playing field more balanced will increase participation, which is good for the game.
I would support an idea like this. If :- The rewards are at set levels not top any amount. That always will favour the largest build even in tiers and not activity or achievement resulting in wasted effort. Exclusive rewards such as summer wars are fine. Doing so for events is very restrictive and as seen in this event normally equates to pay to play, or the most time at home not having to work or that vile other type of player we cannot mention. Hence a lot of players not bothering as they know they have no chance at top prizes. Rewards should be inclusive of all players that reach set targets, this encourages player participation no matter how much time or money they have. They can all push and strive to a certain level if set at real achievable levels. It also stops certain accounts from gaining what are essentially huge boosts in BFE making the playing field exclusive and some players far less vulnerable than everyone else. Top 50 getting prizes in a game played by thousands. Never a good idea.
I really like the retaliation idea because sometimes people that is more than half my size hits me and I would not want to hit them back because i would get less flavors than other people