League of Legends fans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pfhgetty1337, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Hello summoners! Welcome to the post dedicated to League of Legends! Did you go 10-0-3 on your last ranked match and need someplace to show off your talent? Did you just get ROFLstomped by Faker's smurf account and want to complain? Need help picking the best ADC for your Fantasy LCS team? Well search no more, because this is the post for you!

    1. Plz no DotA vs LoL arguments, this is not the place
    2. Do not ask to be carried by a much more skilled player, this is begging for wins that you will not receive
    3. Do not advertise your twitch.tv/youtube channel here. As much of a rising star you are, we do not need spam

    Some questions to start us off:
    -Is Katarina OP?
    -Is the new jungle too hard for newer players?
    -Did Warwick need the nerf?
    -How does one get to Diamond?

  2. this is 100% against TOA
  3. I dont even know what hes talking about.... 
  4. it's sort of a gray area. you aren't allowed to advertise other games. but you can talk about them. i never really figured out where the line is.
  5. Toa? Tou!
  6. its a thrid party app like world of warcraft against tou
  8. 2 games in one lmao Katrina is in mortal kombat not lol dumbass
  9. Only if you advertise it. "Check out this game called *****" "anyone wanna come play ***** with me". Talking about it is perfectly fine.
  10. Did you mean Kitana? Or Kintaro?
  11. Katrina not op.
    WW needed the nerf.
    New jungle is huuuum, interesting, I like it so far but slow clearers like Naut are too weak now.
    Furthermore new ahri is op. Bought her after the patch and ofc I went ranked immidieatly-> 18/5.
  12. Kat always been op lmao and new jg pretty cool. I main jg, makes more interesting. DFG just made op champs like Kat even more op
  13. This is RPGception
  14. TF ADC master race.
  15. Is it against Tou?
  16. this isn't the first thread about a game. it would probably be different if it was a competing game app.

    people do play other games at the same time as this game. you set the device next to you and tap tap.

    don't forget to invite your friends from other games.

    what else do you want gamers to talk about...politics?
  17. I play this while raiding on WoW, trolling on CoD, and being that annoying smurf on DotA 2.

    Tbh league and it's game play is far too slow for me, I did play for a while, until tribunal decided that having good timing and cross mapping the same Noob 4 times with Ashe magic arrow, earned me a ban for 4 years. So general stupidity of the tribunal aside, if you enjoy the game go ahead continue playing.

    Fangirls/boys I don't care for your reasons why it's better/best. Your tribunal system is retarded.
  18. actually Katarina is in LoL... Clearly your attempt at making op seem like a dumbass has backfired