"OSW" banners

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. I'll kic yo azz
  2. Kools is that some kinda food
  3. Larry.. We all know you go on those blind dates.. That's no different than hitting without looking at the build

  4. Larry at a blind date..
  5. Oh now I feel bad.. He got silenced again??? Can u still forum Larry buddy?
  7. I have an osw banner
  8. Larry was forum banned and perm silenced for this comment...

    Seems legit
  9. That's not even a harassing comment imo. He could be and probably was referring to kicking his ass in the game. Nowhere does it say in real life or anything. I would be really surprised if that's what he was silenced for to be honest. If so, someone's grasping.
  10. seriously? ass isn't censored so azz isn't a bypass. :?
  11. He got double whammy for it... Perm silence in game and forum ban 
  12. back on topic.

    people doing ebs be like "dont hit me, i'm doing osw"

    and then there was the person i mentioned in op.

  13. Nothing new at all. Anyone that ally hunts or does real PVP knows everyone is always in an "OSW" or in a "1v1"

    No support

    Not needed in forums

    We all know people suck
  14. Maybe he is in his own osw...it is his banner and not on clan page
  15. just a note to the folks that are looking at this and thinking "i should take this seriously": osw banner + orange name + asking for help with origins in wc = funny.

    no serious analysis needed.
  16. Why we're you complaining about what Larry said to me
  17. Oh the tough guy is back^
  18. Lol yup that banter is why I post in forms it's funny
  19. I demand serious analysis
  20. What kind of forms you posting?