Apoc, Warlor, hellhounts, chaotic, clan A. Banks

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Leodegrance_de_Cameliard, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. LOL. --TR0LL-- has max plunder ally and 64b out.

    You have quite the eye for banks. However, generally my banks aren't named troll.
  2.  thanks for sharing ur 20banks 
  3. I name all my banks with some variation of Larry
  4. #3 - BigBully-_-MaCHiNE-_Billy

    I have 300T in bb banked. Come at me brah!

  5. I havent seen zaft clear so much as a mp ally let alone a "bank".
  6. I am officially a kotfe pure spy ally bank. I admit it. I am often bought out of thousands of gold worth.
  7. Since you, Troll, are a bank and are here i got question for you.

    whats the deal with banks being closed on sunday?
  8. Yea i dont think keysor is a bank as i have talked to keysor many times before since back in ML lol try again.
  9. Whaa? I'm not? How disappointing. Just when I thought players would start depositing funds... I guess I'm just a front. 
  10. This thread still going on?
  11. This is a slow ass reveal, camel.

    **** it, I'll spill the beans...#20 bank is Verbal Kint. Its been Key the whole time, stringing you along, playing you for a fool...and you let him slide out the door scot-free to get scooped by kobayashi. That's one sloppy, investigation dave. For shame.

  12. Wuh?
  13. The Usual Suspects.
    great reference too. lol
  14. I'm a bank and no one knew!!!!!
  15. I've got a crap load of brass bars ......does that count?
  16. Shouldn't there be 7-8 names on this thread by now? Also, putting lb acc that are already in those clans is useless. I mean ai could just state IMF is a bank too. Plz don't farm me for revealing this groundbreaking secret WARLOR.
  17. I will add some more secret ones.Amie-Angel in WARLOR, Sushiking in CDR, and Wythern in WARLOR. I'm on a roll! Again, plz don't farm me for revealing your secret banks.