different spin on this. i was looking through world chat, and saw an orange asking for help with an origins. naturally i clicked to see if they were a good target. then i read the banner. "osw", it said. wait...what? didn't you just invite random people to your clan to finish an eb? that's not the smartest "osw" move. i took a closer look, and the clan was clearly not in osw. thoughts?
Hold on.. Hold on.. Let's put this into one of those Mensa questionnaires.. A pvp event player with an OSW banner inviting in WC to help finish a tier 2 EB is like: Let's see answers from our Mensa (or mental) forum readers!!!!
a guy wearing a shirt that says, "i sell drugs", while telling a cop that someone stole his my little pony dvds.
Here's my giftorial answer.. PS: Devs.. If you are reading this.. I can't copy paste when I am in the "quote" mode..grrr
That better then the respect my osw people who opt into a pvp event. respect your own osw and don't opt in......