"OSW" banners

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. different spin on this.

    i was looking through world chat, and saw an orange asking for help with an origins. naturally i clicked to see if they were a good target. then i read the banner. "osw", it said.

    wait...what? didn't you just invite random people to your clan to finish an eb? that's not the smartest "osw" move.

    i took a closer look, and the clan was clearly not in osw.

  2. Think thats their way of saying not to mess with them?
  3. Über noob
  4. No support
  5. ^ what the hell are you not supporting?
  6. Thoughts? Who give a ******* ****.

    Trash thread. Perfect for this forums.
  7. Lmfao i would have farmed the living hell out of him... Good target or not, needs to learn a lesson.
  8. more of a "let's have a laugh thread". but hey, i can't force anyone to have a good time.
  9. Hold on.. Hold on..

    Let's put this into one of those Mensa questionnaires..

    A pvp event player with an OSW banner inviting in WC to help finish a tier 2 EB is like:

    Let's see answers from our Mensa (or mental) forum readers!!!!
  10. I'm gay
  11. PRIME going to the Folsom street parade dressed as Rambo and asking if his biceps look sweaty enough
  12. Calm the **** down
  13. a guy wearing a shirt that says, "i sell drugs", while telling a cop that someone stole his my little pony dvds.
  14. good ones
  15. I hate people with fake OSW claims in their banners! 

  16. Here's my giftorial answer..

    PS: Devs.. If you are reading this.. I can't copy paste when I am in the "quote" mode..grrr
  17. That better then the respect my osw people who opt into a pvp event. respect your own osw and don't opt in......
  18. Second person I have seen come out on forums today
  19. You suck