Bye from Vadue/HTLFreak/Spencer_Killed_You

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Vadue, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. I had a blast playing the game but all good things must come to an end. I hope many have enjoyed the Tracker and roster building programs I have posted and hope many enjoyed the countless number of wars I have WCed and tracked.

    Happy KaWing,
    Vadue/HTLFreak/Spencer_Killed_You :cool:
  2. Noooooooooo.

    Much respect. You were one of favorites to war with and against. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  3. Htl its been great warring with you since pre season s4, had lots of fun warring with you, and knowing you. Good luck in RL bro 
  4. Nooo don't leave us bro! At the very least, don't reset! Wars will be soooo scatterbrained without you.
  5. Still, best of luck to you in your future endeavors. You're a legend here.
  6. sorry to see you go, we warred together back in season 2. Definitely one of the best trackers I have seen. Have fun in the real world! :-*
  7.  I'm gonna miss u so much my favorite Allie! Best friend in could ask for :( Must Respect and good luck to you in RL!
  8. Nooooooooo

    Will miss warring with you, very good wc and tracker.
  9. If your gonna leave...leave....dont publicise one cares....your not famous¡
  10. Are you for real? :lol:
    That is like saying that Moose is not a moderator. :|

    4 forum posts till date and thinks he knows all.
  11. NOOOOOO...... :cry: :cry:

    its always great warring with and againts you, and many thanks for what you've done to us, will miss you bud..

    hope you will back kawing just like many others
  12. lmaowtf

    we all gonna miss u bro.. all the best in RL.. n yeah pls dont reset at least n let us having the hope the best tracker n awesome wc will b bck one day..
    much much respect️
  13. Hahaha, it's funny because it's not true

    I'm a total ee noob and I still know of his pvp ability.

    It seems kaw is beginning to lose its best players, Goodluck in real life.
  14. Vadue, my friend. Meeting you in Optimus Maximus/Committed at the end of S2 was an honor. Your tracker briefs and your color cyan every war will be remembered. I'll never forget how you trusted me your trackers (Access files and now the .exe), your tracker opened me the doors to great war clans that I never imagined to be in. I really hope I learned enough from you, your tracking and your WCing, will love to see you back one day and take care IRL. Thanks for all. Vadue the "Voice Of Reason"
  15. Crap. Another stand up player leaving? This sucks. Vadue, you will be missed. You were not only a great tracker and WC but you were very nice and even tempered as well. A rare mix. If we lost a war it was due to us not the plan and you never yelled screamed or were negative. In fact you always did your best to defuse bad situations. Please take care and best of luck. You are one of a kind.
  16. Don't leave!!! 
  17. No don't leave man! You were wc in my first war and you were the best one I've ever had!
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