Originally, it was a riddle to find the 8 digit code to the Engine Room in one of the old games I used to play.
A former sailor that was shipwrecked on an island walks into a restaurant and orders albatross soup. He takes one bite, walks out of the restaurant, and kills himself. Why?
(a) It brang back bad memories. (b) Idk, but u can't take a bite out of soup... Maybe it was an attempt of poisoning and he didnt want to suffer. (c) it was the last meal he ever wanted to enjoy (even if it was one so called bite). (d) The chef can't cook for ****.
An astronaut lands on a foreign planet. He discovers two identical aliens, each standing in front of one of two identical doors. One door leads to unfathomable riches, and one door leads to certain death. There is no way to tell the doors apart. One alien always lies, while the other always tells the truth. There is no way to know which one is which. The astronaut gets one question to ask the aliens, and then he must choose a door and walk through it. What question should he ask that will guarantee him entrance to the door of unfathomable riches?
Ask one of the guards, "If I asked you which door leads to the riches, which door would you tell me?" If the guard tells the truth, he'll show you the door leading to the riches, of course. What if the guard is a liar? Well, if you asked him which door leads to the riches, he'd point to the door leading to death. But that's not the question we asked--we asked, "If I asked you which door..." So he's going to lie about that and point to the door leading to the riches. So either guard will point out the correct door.
The restaurant one is something I learned in high school and I can't remember what the answer was.. It was really strange lol. The teacher was trying to get us to think outside the box I suppose
Ask one of them "What door will the other guy say is the right door?" Then don't go to whatever door that is Btw this is a ripoff w/ aliens of a common riddle
Actually, the first riddle was not properly answered. Disputing the premise is an avoidance of an answer, not an answer. For example, if someone wrote "There is no such foreign planet with identical aliens who either always tell the truth or lie, so we're done," no one would accept that as an answer. However, you accepted that type of answer in the cat riddle, which is why you believed it had been solved. The albatross riddle is an old and involved riddle whose answer is a convoluted back story consisting of a shipwrecked or stranded sailor who was told he was eating albatross soup, when in reality, he was served and was eating one of his fellow sailors. Later, when he is served actual albatross soup, he realizes the difference in the taste and figures out what he really ate before. Not being able to live with the thought of having cannabalized some crewmate, he killed himself.
The large kitten stated is not a kitten. all kittens Are liars or they are not. Second statement in unimportant.
@--Mule That's how I was told the riddle. If it's common then there must be many variations. A rip off? Have you seen an original riddle in here yet?